Coalition of Human Trash Protest Against VOX Win

Antifa Marxists, LGBT extremists, trannies, and assorted freaks have mobilized in the streets to protest the democratic entrance of VOX in the southern Spanish Parliament.

Most of these miscreants are young college students steeped in cultural Marxist “studies”. Feminist pro-abortion females are upset that VOX would limit abortion access throughout the country. These hideous leftist sluts want to be able to sleep around with random men at will and then abort any babies that result from the slut lifestyle.

Colleges and universities are literally concentration camps for Marxist Red indoctrination. These students are absolute morons when it comes to anything political and social and are simply repeating what their Marxist professors tell them.

Spain is absolutely riddled with this communist scourge.

But the older and middle-aged Spaniards who actually vote have spoken: they want more nationalism not bloody red communism.

Viva España!

10 thoughts on “Coalition of Human Trash Protest Against VOX Win

  1. I find it crazy how a lot of feminist will say their Christian.

    Just a couple quotes from the bible: Timothy 2:11 “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.”
    Timothy 2:12 “But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.”

    There’s many more verses, but the bible clearly doesn’t want the man and woman to be equal. True Christians who follow the bible have some things in common with Muslims. Europe is still partially pagan and don’t even know it.

    If mass immigration continues or weak civic nationalist don’t engage in mass deportations and enlightened racial consciousness Europe will be even more Judaic and Abrahamic after being conquered by the Muslims and Jews.

      1. I am fond of no punctuation.
        It is often said that punctuation incorrectly or even correctly applied can lead to ambiguity and double meanings.
        Carefully constructed unpunctuated sentences are often safer.
        However there are exceptions.

            1. The long running immigration scourge into britain.
              Each decade that goes by it gets worse and worse and more difficult to ignore.
              Ignoring the problem and “getting used to it” is the lazy and cowardly way forward.
              Obeying the powers that be and doing as you are told is a surefire way of allowing more of the same impositions.
              Everyone will have to pitch in and help if this country is to be saved from this leftist/jewish orchestrated assault on our society and freedoms.
              It is not only those I just mentioned though. There are the paid for fixers in cushy jobs and selfish idiots who care not for the country, they only care about themselves.
              They would be more upset if their house price value dropped 20% than if 1000 people died up the road in the next town.
              Probably they are going to be doubly upset if this situation continues.

  2. it is urgent for spain to shake off the dross jewish that is located between their legislators and rulers. make spain great again. expel the jews and to honor the memory of the great general franco.

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