Female Psychology & Cultural Relativism is Leading White Women to Their Demise

Paul J. Watson put out a good video the other day about the brutal beheadings of two Scandinavian girls by semitic Islamic untermensch in Morocco.

In it Watson lists numerous prominent cases of leftist, liberal, “peace and love” hippy-minded Europeans venturing into dangerous African and Middle Eastern countries, where they all met a brutal demise at the hands of third world savages.

Before embarking on their journeys, these leftist Europeans wrote about their disbelief in the “bias” against third worlders and their backwards ways, only to find out it’s all true. One Swedish leftist politician traveled to the Congo, where she was promptly beheaded and thrown in a garbage heap. Another woman ranted online about how blacks have been mistreated and misjudged before going to Haiti to cleanse herself of white guilt. She was promptly raped by Haitians. But instead of taking that experience as a lesson on the folly of cultural/racial relativism, she took to blaming the “white patriarchy” for being raped by blacks.

This is mental illness, folks. White women are being driven to this madness partly by ideology and partly by their nurturing/accepting female impulses. These mental defects are leading our race and continent towards demographic and cultural suicide. These leftists seem incapable of learning their lesson, even when directly faced with a heavy dose of “cultural enrichment” from these peaceful, loving, and kind third worlders. I fear they will never learn their lesson. When leftists come face to face with reality, they don’t suspend their disbelief that not all cultures and races are equal, but instead double down on the dogma. And look what happens to them?

While a horrible tragedy for these girls and their families, the Morocco murders should serve as a blunt reminder that many Muslims adhere to a 7th century culture of pure savagery. This semitic blood-lust and penchant for decapitation proves that, doesn’t it?

How many whites have to be killed before they learn their lesson not to enter the territory of our enemies?

7 thoughts on “Female Psychology & Cultural Relativism is Leading White Women to Their Demise

  1. “How many whites have to be killed before they learn their lesson not to enter the territory of our enemies?”

    All of them.

    1. But in all seriousness; this is a problem we can do nothing about except for letting it bleed out. So harden your hearts, because the best thing you can do to discourage stupid deaths is stop treating them as a tragedy.

      On the other hand i have no hard feelings towards the muslim savages who did this deed and feel no need to degrade their culture because in this case they were the once who protected their culture and customs against foreign influence of the worst kind. The kinds of Paul Joseph Watson will protest such things with the values of liberalism to critique the consequences of liberalism and thats a faulty concept. The overall cases in the west where whites and especialy white women are victims of non-white violence are cases where the victim seeked the company of the perp. These cases are not incidents where a aryan princess is kidnapped from heir home by barbarian savages with facepaint, but cases where a dumb hole behaved like a dumb hole trying to pet a predator and for that got eaten.

      By only critique about the cases PJW lists is that these dumb holes were allowed to venture out and discredit the integrity of white people. Its like the russian-japanese war where for the first time none-europeans defeated a european power and learned that the white men can be killed too.
      Otherwise we are better off without these dumb holes anyway and removing them from the genpool is in the long run the right thing.

      1. The problem is that as long as jews are allowed to control the media and spread these insane ideas the have an infinite supply of these retarded bitches, whom they have also endowed with voting rights and encouraged not to breed.

        1. If you even blame the laws of nature of which female pathology is a part of on the jews you are an infantile idiot. There are enough crazy bitches running around without shlomo. The greeks wrote plays about this like The Assemblywomen back when israel was a pissant assyrian vassal state. Grow up.

          1. The women didn’t get where they are today on their own or solely with the help of cucks, “idiot”. Dismissing the truth doesnt make it go away.

        2. That is why I am a Zionist. I agree with Solshenitsyn’s last words in 200 Years Together. Israel is wide open to them. They should go.

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