New Zealand Mosque Shootings! – DIVERSITY IS TO BLAME

The mosque shootings in New Zealand prove that diversity is not a strength, but actually is a primary cause of violence in society.

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11 thoughts on “New Zealand Mosque Shootings! – DIVERSITY IS TO BLAME

  1. Why are there even two mosques in a place called Christ Church. New Zealand is the ass end of the world and many Atlas maps even forgett to put it on the map. And not even there the palefaces can be left alone. Even there there somehow need to be sixth century desert cultists.

  2. Enough of this “false-flag” nonsense already. People do not have to get killed in any of these events for them to 100% work on public opinion. This was yet another previously manufactured fake hoax with the world’s entire media being fully complicit.

    They’re all on ONE side and they’ll never be on your side. The only thing real in these fake events is the stress and fear generated by the fakery. They already passed a draconian law in New Zealand to prevent spread of the video, which is so easy to expose as a hoax.

    They’re also deleting even completely marginal sites like Fakeologist. Simon Shack got taken down months ago with only 8000 subs and John Le Bon’s you tube channel with barely a few thousand followers got axed a couple of weeks ago.

    They have to protect exposure of their fakery because it takes away the layer of deeper FEAR programming which the “false flag” interpretation of these “events,” keeps alive.

    Again, until you people realize that they do not need to whack anyone in these events for them to totally work as if they were real, nothing will change, since the fear-triggers are still kept in place and control is achieved throughout large masses of fear-hypnotized people. Wrongly exposing it as a “False Flag” alone will not do it, because it scares the shit out of people even more: What? Not just some crazed nut but our own governments are murdering our own citizens openly?

    No they are not. They are not that stupid to follow some paranoid Alex Jones script. They are only pretending to do that for the same psychological effects, hence pscyhological operations or PsyOps because physical wounds can actually heal, whereas psychological ones are buried so deep with self-censorship and self-repression that they last until you can reach deep into the subconscious and decondition by pulling the fear-triggers anchored in there straight out.

    1. People should bear in mind the above points [from negentropic] whenever a new event happens.
      Psyop and Hoax are fairly easy concepts to understand.
      People would do well to consider those possibilities first, rather than instantly jumping to the conclusion of ‘false flag’ (meaning doing a dirty deed and blaming your enemy for it).
      It is not necessary to do anything FOR REAL to implicate a foe, when it can be stage acted and the resulting confusion can be massaged and spun by the complicit (or infiltrated and duped) mainstream media.

  3. The reason they are sadly there is because that is the goal of the radicals world domination and like fools these countries continue to allow mass immigration from places they shouldn’t and this has nothing at all about hate of anyone as I don’t hate anyone it just happens to be the way it is. The citizens of Europe, The USA and Canada too must rise up and tell the government no more! Vote these people out that are ruining these countries. Hard right conservatives can learn something from the far left by doing the same thing, pretend to be moderate to get elected only this time things will be done right to benefit the citizens of the countries not immigrants who have no respect for western culture way of life.

  4. I watched the full shocking 16:56 video [not to be recommended], and was shaken by the clinical cold blooded surrealness to it, almost like a modern video game.
    Surreal meaning that it is combined in a strange way that you would not expect – like in a dream.
    It appears to me that this guy is a professional and was trained, trained to do a thorough job. Either that or he was completely mad and brainwashed by shooter video games.

    The usual websites are questioning the official narrative.
    New Zealand Gov has limited the access to websites that question their official narrative.
    Anyway my research trail went something like this, Ian R Crane > ZeroHedge > Web Archive (archive 16/3/19) of WhatFinger).
    From what I can see Whatfinger is a right wing conservative, pro zionist, breitbart promoting site.

    1. I hate to say it . . . the unintended consequences (or more likely the intended consequences) of this will be copy-cat events. It is almost as if he is demonstrating a how-to-do-it instructional.
      The mind boggles, because of the truly evil nature of this whole thing.

  5. Unearthing deceptions is high priority for a lot of well meaning activists.
    However the quest for truth can lead them into some pretty unproductive and time wasting dead ends.
    So my advice is to make up your own mind, not based solely on the ‘lame-stream’ media offerings.
    There are probably more ‘misguiding activists’ and more ‘misguided activists’ than there are true honest razor sharp 100% correct ones.
    A website such as this – – written and managed by Brandon Martinez deals with important issues and helps to make everything clearer.

    1. I do not wish to lead people on false trails, but I have read and listened to various sources that speculate on this event and say it was a setup and geopolitically motivated at very high levels. Even claims that nobody died (it would, in a way, be nice if in reality nobody had been hurt) and that it was a hoax or a drill . . . that would help to explain the government panic to limit the spread of the shooter’s video, close analysis of which could reveal and unravel for everyone a massive deception.
      Mention has been made of NZ voting at the UN regarding Israel. Mention also of the ethnicity of the shooter and of the NZ prime minister (only relevant to those obsessed with the JQ). It is all speculation and deceptions within deceptions.
      A very tangled web with built in and ready to go plausible deniability.
      Remember also that attention grabbing media events are often designed and spun to distract the public.
      I listen to some of the speculators’ hypothesese and theories and then I try to decide what is the most likely scenario, keeping an open mind and given the ‘evidence’ they provide. It is not always real evidence, so waste not too much time with it.
      So far I have checked out ianrcrane on youtube and northerntruthseeker on blogspot, which both seem to make valid points.
      And of course this website which deals with the negative effects of cultural marxism and immigration all of which is being orchestrated by subversives from outside and also within our midst.

      1. Daniel Walker (activist news) mentioned he was supposed to do a chat with Brandon last Sunday but st patricks day celebrations got in the way.and the chat didn’t happen. Hopefully something can be arranged in the near future.

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