5 thoughts on “SlavThot Gives Ditzy Dating Advice for Cucks

  1. I would pay 120€ for a while with her. No more.
    Regarding Lauren Southern… I would pay 100€ for a while with her. No more.


    Off topic (actually, never is off topic) In the next video report, the leader of the Flemish nationalpopulism gets cornered by journalist in the “racist” trap. “Islam is not a race” says the journalist. The Flemish guy should answered: “Most Muslism in the world are Arab. Islam was invented by an Arab man. Islam is clearly Arab”.
    Minute 8:14.

    In minute 12:55, Italian nationalpopulist female leader Giorgia Meloni (what a milf!!!) gets cornered in the “neo fascist” trap. She should answered: “Yes, I am post-neofascist, so what?”.

    1. Dugin would get Lauren Southern for free, since she’s already practically a groupie of that old fart. Well “free” is relative, since even a right-wing, con-artist “rock star” like Dugin would still have to put in a little time and conversation and phony posing of his most “alpha” attributes, like his greasy beard, before he gets his pecker wet. lol

      Never go to a venue with more than a 3-to-1 ratio of guys to girls. It is one of the Golden Laws of PUA. The more guys, the less girls, the more the options and the power shifts to the girls. A lot of guys just ignore this and go to the most popular nightspots in town where the ratio of guys to girls is something like 10-to-1 and then wonder that girls who not only give them long eye contact, but make out with them after the approach, don’t end up in their bed, but somebody else’s or no one’s while they soak up endless unearned attention just for being somewhat cute, maybe not even higher than a 6 on the looks scale. Of course, nowadays, it’s not even just that but if they’re also on the online Dating sites like Tinder, where even a girl who is a 4 or a 5 gets lots of attention from thirsty beta guys with little or no game.

      The manufactured and socially engineered culture we live in has put all males at a serious disadvantage, on purpose, in order to weaken and degenerate society by perverting natural and traditional gender roles. Hence why the manosphere ended up “red pilled” without really wanting to do so in the beginning. Their books and articles on “Game” are desperately needed by millions of shipwrecked guys to tip the balance.

      50 years ago, this situation didn’t exist in such an advanced and toxic form as today, but the seeds were already planted and growing wild. We are reaping the bitter harvest of close to a century of feminist propaganda, which is basically, like all branches of Marxism, repetitive and endless “false-equality” pushing until the perversion and sickness sets in deep in the subconscious of the mass male and female. At that point, the deonditioning that would set things back to normal becomes so painful to attempt that stubborn and retarded self-destruction is preferred, the phenomenon of SJW’s being a case in point, false equality pushing taken to its most ridiculous extreme.

    2. >paying for degeneracy
      the absolute state no wonder whites a dissapearing
      S*x was designed for procreation nothing more nothing else
      these goys think by fvcking bitches they are alphas or something zetas
      nothing more than lil subhumans posing as white

      a real alpha charges head first into every battle to defeat the enemies

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