Females Support Mass Immigration As Primitive Sexual Strategy

Primitive white females are supporting mass immigration of non-white males into white countries as a primitive sexual strategy to broaden their options in the sexual market place. Watch the Aaron Kasparov video explaining this despicable reality:

The Kasparov video:

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13 thoughts on “Females Support Mass Immigration As Primitive Sexual Strategy

  1. Well it’s about time these traitors were put in their place. Imprison any one of these degenerate white slags that break the no go rules like the American south had.

  2. I would have no remorse in sending these traitors womens to Sub-Saharan Africa with a one-way ticket to live until the last days in hell.

    No right to return…

  3. So true.

    Women (especially femicunts) want to be raped, kidnapped, and taken to an harem in Arabia. That is their “wet dream”.

  4. Chill out guys. Impotent revenge fantasies what should happen to these dumb holes get you nowhere. I mean 99% of the spergs who get angry about some dumb cunt holding up a virtue signaling sign and advocate for kidnapping and rape, which i would not condem by the way, don’t even have the stones to simply talk to them, where should they get the stones that it takes to violate massive societal tabus from?
    Getting mad about these dumb holes is wasted time. Holes don’t have opinions just emotions and they change with the time of the month. This is just anecdotal evidence but i met chicks who are totaly normie but their friend is some white nationalism 1.0 dude and they vote for the party that is furthest to the right cause all these foreign strange and annoying people they have to deal with in their everday give them anxiety. But then on some other day they are totaly sad about that some foreign worker, who realy is just here to work and sends money home to his family, is seperated from his fucking family.
    So don’t get mad cause dumb holes are dumb holes. Either you take them, throw them over your shoulder or stop whining already. It is what it is and always was.

    1. Either you take them, throw them over your shoulder or stop whining already. It is what it is and always was.

      Yeah, that should work out well in the age of #metoo.

      Women deserve to be criticized for their behaviour. Just as Jews, blacks, Muslims, and white traitors deserve to be criticized for their behaviour.

      1. And who are the Accussed of MeToo? Some Biker dudes with leather jackets? Its creepy jewish Film and Textile Moguls and the Soygoym crowd they keep as media enforcer class. To criticique this System is like calling a dirty rat faced communist a dirty rat faced communist and giving him the lenin medal to own him. These things don’t have any meaning for these people. Critique never was what kept societies together, threat was.

  5. Regarding women´s bad temper. You are going to find this hilarious: back in the 80s and until mid 90s I remember Nordic and British women to be very kind and sweet, and Spanish women to behave like bigheaded witches-bitches-harpies. Funny.
    Then, in the mid 90s, things started to change in Nordic and British women: they started to behave exactly like Spanish women. How it comes? I guess it probably has to do with the millions of Northern European tourism in Spain every year. I guess Nordic women started copying the behaviour of Spanish women. Otherwise, I don´t get it.
    Now: until not very long, Slavic women used to behave sweet and kind, BUT, since Slavic women got in touch with Western European women, their behaviour has changed. And anybody can notice that.
    The plague started in Spain. I am sure about this.

    1. Something else on British women: they used to behave insolent but funny. Not cuntish. Then, it seemed they became total cunts. Exactly like their Spanish sisters.
      To me, that arrogant cuntish bigheaded bahviour of Spanish women has always been a mistery.

      This woman is the prototipycal Spanish one:

  6. I’m a 25-year-old light-skinned man in Florida. I never ever dated or married and I don’t know if I ever will. I now know that women are emotional and irrational and it’s more than just an egregious example of modern sexism as you will read on an article from Psychology Today. I am and was heterosexual or sexually attracted to the opposite sex for the entirety of my life. I wish that there was a way that I could turn asexual or not sexually attracted to other people.

    I’m just too as I have recently seen white women look at me as if they were romantically or sexually interested. I am only attracted to white women so I am whitesexual. I can be blissful or supremely happy as a single father. I have anger issues as a side effect of a car accident that I was in. My immediate family has enrage me or made me extremely angry many times, and that includes one mother and two younger teenage sisters.

    I think it’s just best for myself and womankind if I just stay away from the female members of the human race. I was on a grey scooter when another car just hit me on Black Friday in 2017 or Friday, November 24, 2017. That’s the car accident I referred to in my second paragraph, and that resulted in me being in a hospital for four weeks, and I was in a coma for two weeks. I don’t remember that experience at all. I liked the alt-right and white people before and after that experience. I think that if you are intelligent and logical or you like white people and their achievements or what they gave to the world then you will like the alt-right.

    I don’t understand how people can totally hate white nationalism. There is nothing bad or negative that they stand for unless you believe lies about white nationalism or are brainwashed. I don’t understand how there are people in this world who only have an erotic love for white people like Don Lemon who had a white boyfriend named Tim Malone for two years and said, “So we have to stop demonizing people and realize that the biggest terror threat in this country is white men. Most of them radicalized to the right.” There are many more examples. Tim Malone proposed and Don Lemon accepted on Saturday, April 6, 2019.

    There are non-white people who are romantically or sexually interested in white people and yet non-whites will never ever like or support them as a race. It’s just a psychosis or mental illness of a severe kind that make them lose contact with reality that I don’t understand. There are a lot of people that like Jews and I don’t understand that when they created Communism an ideology that killed at least ninety-four million people in the 20th century. You can learn about that in a YouTube video entitled, “The Jewish Origins of Communism”, and that was published by Saint Roman to YouTube on Wednesday, May 16, 2018. My parents sincerely think that I was comatose and hospitalized one year and five months and one days ago just because I dislike most Jews.

    They identify as Christians and think that you can never ever say anything bad or negative about Jews. I talked about how they made modern porn industry to my father and he talked about how Hugh Hefner made that. It’s the easiest ever thing in the to blame white people for everything that’s screwed up in the world. You can never ever blame Jews for anything that’s screwed up in the world because of what may or may not have happened in National Socialist Germany during the Second World War, and mainstream Christianity. I like Christian Identity or Identity Christianity that sees whites and Anglo-Saxons as God’s true and literal children of Israel and Jews as Eve and Satan’s posterity or descendants. I received mail from Kingdom Identity Ministries this year.

    I don’t know if I totally believe in Christian Identity or Identity Christianity, but I think that they’re interesting. Kingdom Identity Ministries is a nonprofit Christian outreach ministry that has stickers that anyone can buy that say, “Only inferior white women date outside their race. Be proud of you heritage, don’t be a race-mixing slut!”

  7. I noticed that when I brought up that white people were the most empathetic race my father brought up the Transatlantic slave trade and bad things that supposedly happened to black slaves then. That gave me in idea for anyone else that thinks the same nonsense, and if anyone thinks like that they’re no different from any other black or Hispanic person in America that thinks the white race and white racism are uniquely responsible for suffering and injustice in the world, like Richard Spencer once said. Believing that white people enslaved blacks and then committed unspeakably horrible acts against them is like believing that whites enslaved chimpanzees or orangutans and committed unspeakably horrible acts against them. Chimpanzees are four times stronger than humans and orangutans are seven times stronger than humans. Blacks innately and naturally have more athleticism and testosterone than whites.

    I like how not a single Caucasian or white person in the alt-right has not said a single bad or negative thing about non-Caucasian or non-white people. I’m a 25-year-old black man in New Tampa talking badly and negatively about non-Caucasian and on-white people. The white race is just so special and unique, and I like them and their achievements and what they have given to the world. It’s like that Columbia University student said, the race is the best thing that’s happened to the world, and they built the modern world. I see people who are against the alt-right as those from a period in human history where there was no high technology and advanced technological development in electronics or elsewhere.

    Humans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans are part of the same family so my earlier comments and comparisons shouldn’t be at all offensive. They’re basically like people from the Stone Age or that period in human prehistory during which stone was used, and I’m talking about people that are against the alt-right. I know that there is nothing negative that they stand for unless you believe lies or are brainwashed. People use white supremacist or white supremacy to describe white organizations and white people, but they really don’t know what that word means. It essentially means that you want whites dominant over non-whites.

    I know that’s not what I or any alt-right or white nationalist organization or person wants. Jews and leftists are basically exploiting or using the ignorance and the stupidity of the masses or commoners whenever they call any organization or person white supremacist. People are thoroughly or totally brainwashed if they sincerely think that the only reason to hate Jews is because or their birth or because of their existence. That’s really a result of willful ignorance or intentional obliviousness. There are people who want to believe the best about darker races and the worst about whites.

    If there is anyone like that I tell you that you can find mountains of evidence that Jews are doing bad things in this world. Like I said before, you can never blame Jews for anything that’s screwed up in our world because of mainstream Christianity and what may or may not have happened in the Second World War. It’s makes me sick to my stomach how our society is so brainwashed into defending them. It really just shows how successful they are in keeping you in a trance or state of altered consciousness that somewhat resembles sleep where you believe the best about Satan’s decedents and the worst about the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. There was a time when everyone believed the earth was flat or the sun revolved around the earth so it’s a fallacious argument to say that just because many or most believe the alt-right or white nationalism is bad doesn’t make it true that it’s bad, and it’s actually a really or truly good or positive thing that all should support.

  8. Great comment Xavier.
    Everyone should do more research just like you have done.
    The right wing and white nationalist types are depicted as aggressive bullies by the mainstream.
    In fact evidence shows that the leftists and marxists / communists / feminists etc, who turn up to counter demonstrate at right wing meetings and rallies are the real bullies and thugs.
    We must not forget also, the cowardly ‘behind the scenes’ organizers of those ‘useful idiot rent a crowds’.
    They try to make sure that trouble is stirred up whenever and wherever the right hold big outdoor events.
    At every opportunity, the complicit media spins their lies to tarnish the right’s reputation.
    You are jew aware, that is great.
    The more you research that topic, the more you will feel the need and urgency to inform others of what you know.
    Be careful though.
    I think there are going to be quite dangerous times ahead.
    You see it is all creeping towards a dystopian future.
    Surveillance wherever you go, mainstream propaganda shaping our society, rigged money markets and central bank interventions, artificial intelligence and the ‘IOT’ internet of things.
    Dangerous to health technology and food additives etc etc.
    People in this day and age seem to trust the government and the corporations.
    That is very stupid of them.
    I do not trust it all.
    For instance I know for a fact that food labeling is often deceptive.
    We breathe chemicals and fumes that could accumulate in our bodies and cause problems in the future.
    The blood brain barrier that keeps toxins out of the brain can be damaged (possibly by too much cellphone use) so stuff like aluminium can accumulate there.
    Next thing you know you have a neurological degenerative disease like alzheimers.
    When you realize you have been tricked once, then you tend to be smarter and constantly aware of that possibility everywhere. Paranoia?
    Well don’t worry about the paranoia – your life could depend on it.
    Treatments (not cures) for serious ‘incurable’ illnesses are perfect vehicles for financial gain and revenue streams.
    Fear is used to brainwash and mislead the target captive audience.
    With the global warming scam the target audience is the whole world.
    A vulnerable terminally ill person will want to believe that today’s 21st century medicine is the best that can be done for them.
    Often the ‘cures’ and medication are what ends up killing them.
    For industry and university researchers their funding often only continues to be provided whilst they are getting the right results and conclusions.
    If you go against your mainstream peers in your research field, publishing inconvenient results and conclusions, then more than likely you will be ignored, ostracised or fired or ‘given early retirement’ or in some cases much worse.

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