Progressivism, Multiculturalism, and the Kalergi Plan – Brandon Martinez on Resolving Reality Radio

Here’s my interview with Resolving Reality Radio about the Christchurch mosque shooting, the imposition of disastrous multiculturalism & multiracialism on the West, and the Kalergi plan of white genocide.

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6 thoughts on “Progressivism, Multiculturalism, and the Kalergi Plan – Brandon Martinez on Resolving Reality Radio

  1. Here’s a long meme I made containing all the scenarios I could think of with Media Fakery Hoaxes and the ways in which agents/actors are used.

    What really humiliates and creates massive cognitive dissonace by threatening to flush the inflated egos of all the fear-mongered, standard, garden-variety, Alex-Jones/Loose-Change/Christopher-Bollyn following conspiracy-wise people is the fact that not a single person needs to be whacked for them to be completely hoodwinked and bamboozled into a false hysteria following false leads in a hoaxed narrative trying to “solve” a ‘real event” that never even occurred!

    It’s no different than watching a hollywood disaster movie such as “Die Hard” or “Towering Inferno” and living your entire life as if it was the real deal and likely to happen at any time of any day. Except this is a pre-manufactured, documentary-style “reality TV” brought to you by the most trustworthy people on earth: your 100% complicit enemy-propaganda ministry, i.e., your media, both mainstream and about 90% of the “alternative,” all fully controlled or compromised enough with disinformation not to really matter.

  2. I have encountered you in various guises, BM and always pushed you toward a race-realist and nationalist stance and you have always banned me at your previous blogs for doing so.

    What changed your mind?

    fellist/Nick Dean

  3. I realized long ago that the nationalist movement in the UK had been sabotaged.
    I supported the BNP and Nick Griffin for a number of years.
    I was a leafleting activist in Dorset and I went to events in London and met Nick a few times.
    A new ‘money mad crew’ took over after Nick was ousted as leader.
    The BNP turned out to be and eventually became, a disastrous failure . . . if current support and election results are anything to go by.
    They need to be bold and should not keep avoiding the JQ.
    The excuse trotted out is usually “politcal suicide” you cannot criticize jews etc etc.
    Then also the BNP members sometimes did silly things that make them look ridiculous, or basically some were so illiterate and uneducated, or old and decrepit that nobody took them seriously.
    It could have been due to a few infiltrators.
    Soon however many supporters and members realized the infiltration was far more serious and high up.

    Psyops such as UKIP have siphoned off many well-meaning but mis-informed brits.
    The mainstream media, newspapers and radio and TV (and the government propaganda output) is all directed and edited by well funded characters who abhor our ideals.
    They are in fact our enemies, mortal enemies as they wish to silence us and destroy us.
    We need a new party and movement in the UK, which has a credible and learned leader who is above suspicion and squeaky clean and who will not shy away from the taboo issues, like the unspoken reasons for and the culprits behind all the mass immigration.

    Civic nationalism is not the answer, white ethno nationalism is (for us) or a bordered section in our own country.
    Doing that would be admitting defeat, in a way, because what we should be doing is fighting for our existing territory, not retreating to reservations.
    We need to halt the invasion, stem the tide of multiculturalism.
    For example: mocking our ideals and values via retail in-store and TV advertising.

    When London’s local television in the 1980’s started becoming more multicultural and the local news was focusing on black issues, we should have known then that it would only increase.
    But look at London today, even foreigners coming here as tourists are shocked by the low numbers of whites, it was not what they expected to see.
    Brandon and other ‘right leaning’ people, please keep highlighting the government agendas and informing people of the issues that many folks are unaware of.
    Issues and knowledge that has been suppressed by the mainstream.
    We cannot stop the mainstream, we can only counter it by voicing loudly far and wide our arguments.
    We have the (((hidden))) truth on our side.
    So let’s unhide it.

    1. Gynocentrism, feminism, mass immigration, global warming scam, selling off of our national utilities and assets etc etc . . .
      All the current destructive agendas, are being orchestrated.
      Governments and politicians are all lobbied and bought by those with the power and money.
      Laws are passed and the ratchet effect ratchets up a notch.
      I would like to live in a country where I can go out for a 10 mile bike ride or walk and stop off for something to eat and do my shopping without being scanned, survielled and then also not seen and therefore ignored by the majority of people with the ‘smartphone necks’.
      Sadly I will have to move far away from the current dystopia, for that to become a reality.

      1. The original 3 minute Steve Cutts animation is here:

        Are You Lost in the World Like Me?
        (Animated Short Film by Steve Cutts)

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