Are the Hebrews Really Innocent Victims?

The Hebrews have taught us that they’re the ultimate victims of history and that their behaviour is unquestionable. But the truth tells a different story.

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One thought on “Are the Hebrews Really Innocent Victims?

  1. This must be listened to, Brandon stating the facts on the ground.
    He took the Red Pill.

    Rae West is also very Red Pilled and focuses on the Hebrews.
    He has just had his ‘rerevisionist’ youtube channel deleted.
    Same time as yours Brandon, so there is a purge underway.
    Head for Bitchute and also download and store controversial content in multiple hidden places in multiple location.
    Information WAR.
    GAME ON, . . . when it gets to GAME OVER we WILL be the winners.

    Luckily Rae West also has a bitchute channel rerevisionist.
    I recommend it and his website big-lies dot org.

    . . . better communications allowed the growth of monopolies.
    This was earlier in Britain than most places, and I think is why British socialism developed here.
    It was obviously unfair that someone who had overseen (say) the amalgamation of a hundred small local breweries into one, should have corresponding economic power.
    The same thing happened in the USA and Germany, but a bit later, and by then Jews were around, who subverted the movement from socialism to redistribution to Jews.
    It has to be said that, in a world of monopolies, Jews have shown more skill in understanding and manipulating the system than non-Jews, who tend to stick with inaccurate ideas on fair competition, some openness, noninterference in politics, etc.

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