Leftist Woman Hates Tommy Robinson & Loves Islam

A braindead leftist girl hates Tommy Robinson & loves Islam, saying that because most of Islam’s followers are brown people the religion itself can’t be criticized.

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5 thoughts on “Leftist Woman Hates Tommy Robinson & Loves Islam

  1. “White survivalism” is a much better and operative term. We have to play using their terms.

    KKK crimes… bloody hell. How much time since the last KKK terror attack?

  2. On her way to get her eyes tested, she says.
    Well I hope that has not made her late for her appointment.
    Or maybe the whole interview was staged . . . with her as an actor?
    Maybe I am a paranoid conspiracist nut, untrusting of everyone and everything?

    Much of this ‘Up Next’ ‘Autoplay’ stuff on you tube is there for a reason.
    It is approved by the hidden scheming powers that be..
    The algorithms are complicated with monitoring, data collection and censorship and promotion.
    Even when we think things are going our way, it can be a short term engineered experiment to gather intel on how we react.
    Evil b******s.
    YouTube and Google are not trustworthy.

    1. The video demonstrates how easy it is to trip up somebody who simply parrots the mainstream leftie angry response when they are triggered.
      She is clearly passionate about the horrible ‘waycists’ and ‘islamophobes’
      Leftists very often make things up and repeat stuff that they have not researched.
      She accused Tommy of certain things without knowing much about him and his views.

      Now if this was staged by Tommy then it would have been to emphasise Tommy’s views and stances.
      Maybe staged maybe not.
      Either way it is a useful video to highlight the usual feminine over-reactions and exagerrations, ducking and diving and avoidance of facts.
      When they realize they are wrong they still continue to argue by diverting the argument.
      A good tactic, as was used here, is to try to nail them on each point before continuing.
      Otherwise it all gets very confusing and unwinnable.

      1. Type the phrase “american inventors” into google.
        Click the images button to see google’s anti white bias.
        Nearly all the images are of non-whites.
        Google should be punished for its behavior – for producing an algorithmic lie factory that churns out propaganda to brainwash and mis-direct innocent people.
        Incidentally . . . Mark Dice on youtube is entertaining (with truthful commentary).
        I might buy one of his “I ♥ Global Warming” or “Free Speech Zone” sweatshirts.

  3. I’ll certainly agree with her about the first part, we all know that Tommy is a Zionist shill.

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