Rapper Tom MacDonald Rips Into PC Anti-White Culture

I anoint Tom MacDonald the official rap spokesman of the alt-right.

This dude Tom MacDonald has been critiquing anti-white PC culture as a major part of his rap gimmick, producing multiple songs about the issue.

“Straight White Male”


“Politically Correct”

“Everybody Hates Me”

He takes shots at anti-white SJWs and feminists. He even mentions the banksters Rockefellars and Rothschilds in the song “Whiteboy”. This guy has obviously been clued into the alt-right threads on 4chan, reddit, etc.

He’s not on our level yet, and probably doesn’t understand race realism. He’s basically on the alt-light Gavin McInnes level. Let’s hope he goes further down the rabbit hole and gets woke on the JQ (Jewish question), FQ (female question) and RQ (race question).

8 thoughts on “Rapper Tom MacDonald Rips Into PC Anti-White Culture

  1. Although voicing his opinions as a white guy, “it appears he has clearly embraced some aspects of multiculturalism” etc.
    All sections of the multicultural west, left and right are awakening to the sociopathic elite’s obvious disregard for humanity.

    politicians who bomb innocent people, news sources that censor . . . professional liars

    Like you say, he might as time goes on, become more awakened on other issues and then hopefully include those in his songs too.
    A little off-topic, but the rapper did mention in one of his songs he hated nazis.

    From Rae West’s (big-lies.org) review of Richard Branson’s book “Business Stripped Bare”.
    The big-lies website has a good search function so you will be able to find the article.

    In my revisionist view, which will escape most ordinary readers, a weakness of Branson, from the point of truth, though not necessarily money-making, is his failure to speak out about Jewish and other concealed corruptions and assumptions.
    He says ‘communism and socialism are no longer taken seriously because they simply don’t work. … They are disastrous though well-meaning systems that have ruined hundreds of millions of lives.’

    Of course, ‘Communism’ was not well-meaning, but a Jewish system in which non-Jews were regarded as disposable; and it did in fact work, enabling Jews to wipe out non-Jews.
    And national socialism did work—it was, and is, attacked precisely because it worked, though the jury is still hearing evidence as to whether it worked for Jews, or Germans. . . .

    The book ends with Kipling’s If; and possibly Branson genuinely can keep his head when all around are losing theirs.
    Compared with politicians who bomb innocent people, news sources that censor race killings, professional liars, science fraudsters, Jewish corrupters of all types, Branson seems an open-hearted, generous, friendly, and worthy person.
    I hope he can come up with something more stellar in future.

    So Rae counters some of Branson’s observations by making the 2 points that
    “communism . . . did in fact work” (for the communists that is) and
    “national socialism did work—it was, and is, attacked precisely because it worked”.
    Rae’s comments make good points.

    I am not trying to promote here the ideas of either system.

    1. There is communism and there is Communism.

      The economical communism is a system that either works or not. (I think there is little evidence that it works, at least yet).

      Communism (as in the “Communist Block” that existed) is a hoax. It is the eternal “other side”, which is made up of Turrorists, Commies, blah blah. It is the eternal enemy that the Military Industrial Complex needs.

      The Cold War Hoax. https://cluesforum.info/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=953

      P.S. If Nukes are a hoax, which I believe it to be, then the “Communist Block” was even more of a fraud. It was like BRICS on steroids, with more propaganda directed against them (more warmongering).

      Of course after the 9/11 fraud, the new “other side” is officially the turrrorists.

      1. Yes Fox, I remember you mentioned the SeptemberClues website a year or so ago.
        I will bookmark and study the part you just highlighted.
        I have recently been downloading Miles Mathis’s collection of pdfs.
        He states (paraphrasing) that the Jews are involved in the deceptions but they are not solely to blame. They are only one part of the bigger global picture. Greedy globalist elites and other secretive entities are involved too.
        From Miles Mathis’s marx.pdf >

        Marx came from a family of super wealthy industrialists,
        … he was misdirecting attention away from them all along

        Sometimes I think I should step back, forget everything I have learned about the world and then start relearning it all over again from scratch.
        Your links and leads are appreciated.

        1. Discovering family trees as Miles Mathis does, linking all sorts of rich and famous people to the aristocracy and prominent world leaders really does bear fruit – in understanding the whys and wherefores of some very strange ‘hidden from view’ networking.
          Read his downloadable pdfs and you will have plenty of new angles to consider.

  2. To be accepted and listened to by his generation and sphere of young people, he must act and dress in a manner that they see as ‘cool’. He won’t get the fame and their money otherwise. Personally I can’t stand that kind of music, or the dress style . . . tats and dreadlocks and skinhead hairstyles.
    I suppose to rebel as he is against the PC crowd it is sometimes necessary and effective to stretch the window of normality and acceptability.
    Smartening himself up with a nicely pressed black uniform, short back and sides haircut would make him look more manly, and less like a spoilt brat, complete with the giggling girlfriend in the out-takes.

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