The Communist SPLC Admits White Replacement is Happening

The SPLC is a comical and clownish organization. Everybody knows this, but rich Jews and ZOG continue to fund this ground to keep it alive.

Recently some cracked out SPLC employee gave testimony to a US government committee, and admitted that whites are being replaced through mass immigration and lowbirth rates:

The falsehood of “white genocide” is pervasive. The people behind these murders share a common fear of the end of a white majority in U.S. And this dangerous myth is seeping into the mainstream, just as easily heard on the evening cable news as it is seen on flyers defacing college campuses. 

This radical and racist idea is now the animating principle of many of our elected leadership and the guiding light of the current administration. We’ve seen this idea become mainstreamed for three reasons:

One, in the mid-1980s, 77 percent of the U.S. population was white. Today, it’s roughly 60 percent. In 30 years, it will be under 50 percent. This kind of change creates existential anxiety that, after being fed a steady media diet of xenophobia and fear, metastasizes into hate.

Can you believe the nerve of this broad?

So in one breath this woman calls white genocide a “dangerous myth” and falsehood, but in the next admits that, “Today [whites are] roughly 60 percent [of the US population]. In 30 years, it will be under 50 percent.”

So whites are indeed a rapidly shrinking ethnic group in America, admits the SPLC, but this isn’t anything to worry about and those who are disturbed by it are just xenophobic racists.

The SPLC’s sole purpose is to ensure that whites do indeed become a small minority in the US and to shut up people who complain about it.

SPLC talking head Mark Potok even glued a note to his wall marking white population decline in the US. It couldn’t be clearer that these monsters despise white people.

The people who work at the SPLC are driven by a deep-seated animus against white people and work day and night to further our decline as a racial group in the West. All SPLC employees are fire-breathing communists who worship Lenin and Marx and seek to convert America into a Red Hell run by blacks and Jews.

Funny that for all their fervour against the spread of white nationalism, they don’t make a peep against Jewish-Zionist nationalists who support extreme policies in Israel in favour of racial settlements that displace indigenous Palestinians. Not a word from Potok and his ilk about what colonialist Jews are doing in Palestine and the vast, super-wealthy Jewish networks in the US who support it.

The reason for that is that elitist American Jews are on Potok’s team to displace the white man in North America, so the commies keep mum about Zionist transgressions in Palestine.

All of this is part of Elite Jewry’s plans for the West and the world, ensconcing their Jewish racial supremacy project in Palestine whereby they can govern the goyim from afar.

5 thoughts on “The Communist SPLC Admits White Replacement is Happening

  1. We’re in the bubble to end all bubbles.

    The economy is going crash, and crash hard, or one of the walking Ebola-weapons they’re air-dropping will bring things to a head before they reach their goal. The backlash to the wealth transfer from the masses to the 1% alone is going to be epic.

    In the meantime, people need to stop asking for permission for what they can say or think all the time. No one else does.

  2. I went to my sons graduation from jr high 80%hispanic when I went was about 20% when will people wake up hopefully before it’s to late and we don’t have a country keep up the good work

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