Mark Collett Debates Gaggle of Lying Jews

Here is a debate featuring Mark Collett against a gaggle of lying, deceptive Jews who do everything in their power to obfuscate the facts Mark brings up about Jewish subversion.

Really, what we witness here is the same old sneaky tactics by these Jews. By the mid portion of the debate, the one Jew began foaming at the mouth spewing meaningless epithets at Mark: “racist,” “anti-Semite,” etc.

Time and again these Jews would just deny or underplay the facts of Jewish involvement over crucial culture-shaping industries like porn, Hollywood and the media, and then when faced with the truth just state that “Jews are smart and talented” so that’s why they’re influential, and we’re all the better for it.

Typical Jewish supremacist tactics by these fools.

“Debating” a Jew about his tribe’s misdeeds is akin to debating a criminal swindler about his checkered past. All you will ever get is subterfuge, deflection and deceit.

I’ve debated Jews before and all they really have to come back at you is insults and emotional nonsense. Jews always get crushed in debates with learned Gentiles on this question because they have nothing by lies to fall back on.

3 thoughts on “Mark Collett Debates Gaggle of Lying Jews

  1. Wow… I played the video ‘on the background’ while I was doing something else. My head was hurting in the end. Two hours of absolute bullshit. Jesus, man… They attack in swarms. Like group animals.

    There is absolutely no reason to ever talk seriously to the Chosen People.

    1. Collett tries for a few minutes to be above it all but couldn’t restrain himself and dog piled. Very funny the Indian guy seems to be confusing the choseites by being dark and pro white as they are much lighter skinned than him (Khazars and not even semites) and he is also saying he is an indian supremacist and not a flinch from the panel. Lol. Brandon should interview that guy.

  2. crucial culture-shaping industries

    Yes not only do they get the opportunity to shape society to how they want it (to their agendas), they also get to make a lot of money in the process – what not to like – is the saying.

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