More Destruction of Boomer Zionist Cucks

Here’s another clip from Paltalk so you can see first hand the “debating” tactics of boomer Zionist cucks. These clowns are shameless shills for Jewish supremacy and make no bones about it.

16 thoughts on “More Destruction of Boomer Zionist Cucks

  1. Boomers… the parents of us, generation X.

    I wouldn´t reject the whole boomer/60s thing. There was good things about that 60s counter culture. For instance: rejection of a conventional lifestyle. Now, we have the rejection of a conventional lifestyle 2.0 (MGTOW).
    More good things: in the 60s there was a taste for exploring alternative ways of spirituallity (although, actually, it was a revival of Carl Jung´s theories, and Carl Jung would be seen, today, as a proto AltRight)

    We have got a problem here: the enemy of my enemy is my friend, then, it is not a good strategic move to be anti Israel.

    1. enemy of my enemy is my friend

      Be careful with that generalization.

      Also be careful stereotyping based solely on age, as everyone is unique and attributes vary.
      Not everyone of ‘boomer age’ had, or has, the same outlook, opinions and lifestyle.
      People change their opinions and views.
      People get red pilled on certain matters.
      That can be extremely life changing and very quickly so.

      You are correct, the sixties were useful.
      For those that were not there, they can do their own research on that exciting period.

      1. It is not about being cool, it is about not being a sucker such Beta Bux, Wage Slave, Fashion Victim, Consumerism Victim, Evangelical Zombie (no much Evangelicals in Spain, actually), etc.

        1. Trajano yes correct on that “it is about not being a sucker”.
          Case in point

          Evangelical Zombies

          Yes those Christian Zionists have been misled and deceived big time.

          Pastor Chuck Baldwin

          Nothing in Church history has deceived more Christians than the advent of the Zionist State of Israel in 1948. Through the propaganda notes contained in C.I. Scofield’s Reference Bible and the explosion of Israel-based dispensational prophecy doctrines popularized by seminaries and Christian colleges such as Dallas Theological Seminary, Liberty University, etc., and by authors and TV preachers such as Hal Lindsey, John Hagee, etc., and by a majority of churches across the land, a brand new false doctrine has been created called “Christian Zionism.”

          Suffice it to say that Rothschild’s Israel completely dominates both pulpits and politics in America today. To Christian Zionists, Bible prophecy is totally dependent upon the Zionist State of Israel. . . . .

          I am hoping that Chuck’s Israel Package DVD set, might convince some of the Christians I know to rethink their Israel / Jews / Chosen People perspectives.
 > store > The Israel Package

          Chuck Baldwin was interviewed by Adam Green recently.

  2. It is a big mistake to attack Jews. They are not the enemy. They don’t disturb anyone if you don’t disturn you. The enemy is ISLAM and the POLITICAL LEFT VOTER. VIVA FRANCO. ARRIBA ESPAÑA!

      1. All they did was call you names while you kept your cool, were polite and didn’t even laugh in their face like they deserved until they cut you off. That’s what they can’t stand: when they can’t lower you to their fear-based, emotionally driven level and beat you through experience. That’s the way to do it, from a position of strength and relaxed repose looking down with amusement at the puke-inducing vitriol of a bunch of spoiled brats full of nothing but weakness, dependence and appeals to ridicule and authority .

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