Old Boomer Hag Gets Wrecked On the Jewish Problem

Watch this old, foul-mouthed boomer hag get wrecked on the Jewish problem by myself and a few other woke dudes in this chat.

This batshit old broad couldn’t muster a single measured response to what I and the others were saying about the blight of Jewish power in the West, and just went on cursing and spewing incoherent nonsense in a complete mental breakdown.

“Israaael is our aaaalllly,” the hag kept belting out like some kind of delirious mental patient.

This is the problem trying to reason with old boomers. Their brains have literally reached their capacity to absorb new information, especially stuff that contradicts their previous 50 years of Jewish indoctrinated beliefs.

One thought on “Old Boomer Hag Gets Wrecked On the Jewish Problem

  1. True, true . . . trying to convince and convert the older generation is a waste of time and energy.
    They are a lost cause to us, most of them, with a few exceptions.
    Admittedly it is not entirely their fault, how were they to know that the population was lied to throughout history?
    We are lucky to have freedom of speech and the internet.
    Our biggest hope is with the younger generation who will, provided they are clued up on all the agendas, they should be able to do something positive and lasting.
    They are currently experiencing hardships and struggles progressing financially.
    They can reject the old system of their parent’s era and ‘while they are at it’ reject the ready made system that the government / corporatocracy has planned for them.
    They are smart and savvy on many things that their parents are/were clueless on and they can sift truth from lies.
    We need to convince them.

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