Schooling Another Boomer Jewish Apologist

This was a weird one. This guy seemed to understand the race problem in America, but derailed hard on the Jewish problem, running constant deflection for the tribe. His whole gambit was to denigrate critics of Jewish power as ‘whiners’ who are envious of the ‘success’ of the Jews, which is a typical apologist line created by Jews themselves.

Us critics of Jews are not ‘jealous’ of the success of Jews, we simply note that with their ‘success’ comes our demise, because Jewish ‘success’ depends on the subjugation of their gentile host. Moreover, the ‘success’ of Jews in the field of business and finance is largely driven by their ruthless and oftentimes criminal practices.

An article I just posted details how Israel’s economy is in part propped up by industrial-scale financial swindles where Jews defraud gentile investors out of millions of dollars. The Jewish scammers then receive protection from other Jews in the Israeli government who shield them from extradition, investigation and prosecution. That’s what we call a ‘Jewish racket’.

And that is the method of Jewish success: fraud, robbery and nepotism. Most Jews got to where they are not through hard work, but by cashing in on their tribal connections which elevates them nepotistically through the ranks of business, media and politics.

Sure, there are some Jews who became successful legitimately, but I would venture to say that without their Jewish Privilege and vast underworld connections, most Jews would not outperform other high-IQ gentile groups, such as whites and east Asians.

The Jewish religion teaches that all of this deviousness is ok because gentiles were “born to serve” Jews.

12 thoughts on “Schooling Another Boomer Jewish Apologist

  1. I don’t agree. Jews are not like that. Of course there are good and bad Jews as it happens among Christians and atheists. It is not fair to attack Zionists in that way while silencing the islamic terrorism around the world. I repeat: the threat is not Israel or Jews but Islam and the political Left. Everybody knows.

      1. Yes. Of course I know very well the globalistic socialist plan of the EU elites and american Democrats. They are destroying our countries and our enemies. The Left must be destroyed BY ALL TYPE OF MEANS AND ISLAM FORBIDDEN IN THE WEST.
        What Jews and Zionism concerns….they are too busy defending themselves trying to survive among so many enemies. I don’t think they have time to control the world, banks, media etc….the real danger comes from the unholly alliance between, the Pope and the Leftist voters.

    1. Everybody knows

      Everybody thinks they know.
      What they actually “know” is quite often not the truth, it can simply be a total absorption and acceptance by them of the mainstream narrative, or some other subversive and untrue alternative narrative, or a synthesis of the two . . . hegelian dialectic etc. etc.
      Also note:

      Wikipedia: Dialectic may be contrasted with the didactic method, wherein one side of the conversation teaches the other.

      Good advice is “Do your own research and don’t just take the words of the lauded “experts” or “popular movements” that might have vested interests and ulterior motives”.
      Research them deeply, not just on what they say, but on who they really are and follow their money trail to find out whether to trust them or not.
      Well funded outfits are usually beholden to their funders.
      An example of a well funded outfit is the government.
      All of the above is subject to further layers of deception and false trails, so beware.

    2. You keep repeating this nonsense, so now I’m starting to question your motives. I’ve made the case again and again that Jews are our principal enemies, and the other group our secondary enemies, yet you refuse to read or educate yourself about the Jews, which tells me you’re likely working for them.

      1. That comment of Brandon’s was of course directed @Fernando’s comment.

        Fernando says:
        July 3, 2019 at 6:02 pm

        I don’t agree. Jews are not like that. Of course there are good and bad Jews as it happens among Christians and atheists. It is not fair to attack Zionists in that way while silencing the islamic terrorism around the world. I repeat: the threat is not Israel or Jews but Islam and the political Left. Everybody knows.

        Unfortunately Brandon’s reply appeared directly under my comment which might confuse some people.
        I just felt clarification was necessary, in case anyone got the ‘wrong end of the stick’. Thanks

    3. Fernando knows full well whats going on, Jews enable Islamic terrorism, open borders, homosexuality, rabid feminism, porn etc, they are behind it all.
      Hes just deflecting attention away from the real culprits, deal with the “Jew problem” then we can deal with the other problems he wants us to focus on, divide and conquer so the Jew just sits back and rules over us eventually resulting in their world government based in Jerusalem.
      They are the cause (the disease) and he wants us to focus on the symptoms. Treat the disease and the symptoms will eventually go away.

      1. What I mean is the following:
        1) That I am a very conservative guy.
        2) That I deeply detest people who are leftist voters.
        3) That I deeply detest Islamism.
        4) That I miss General Francisco Franco, saviour of Spain.
        5) That I admire the Falange of the beginning , the Falange of Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera and his father but deeply detest the Falange infected with the nazional-SOZIALISM its criminal thugs AND ITS atheism of the time when Franco needed to have Hitler far from Spain’s destiny.
        6) That I am pro-Europe and so, anti-EU.
        7) That I hate the UN.
        8) That I hate Socialism, comunism, Antifas, american Democrats and the pro Iran policies of Putin.
        9) That I am anti-inmigration legal and illegal. Everyone at his home. Good neighbours but everyone at his home.
        10) That I recognize I am racist……and I know everyone is racist.
        11) That Israel and Jews are very clever people who know how to deal with muslims and illegal inmigrants. Zionists have not only a brilliant intelligence but they also have big balls and they are not like us european cowards that allow invade our countries by other cultures and Islam.
        12) Of course there are Jews who are perverse people but the same you can say about Christians, Spaniards, Germans, British etc etc

        Not Netanyahu but Merkel is our enemy. Don’t miss the target again. Muslims and liberal judges are those who are raping our girls not Jews.

        TRUMP is the greatest man in our time and he is pro Israel and pro Jew.

        Someone said here that I work for Jews…….why? I am already retired! But I say what I feel.


        1. Netanyahu is no more our friend than ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. In fact, Netanyahu is our enemy who sucked us into self-consuming wars.

          You need to read the material I’m giving you before you comment ignorantly again about how you love Jews:

          Here is why right-wing Zionists are not are friends

          You’ve also completely overlooked and failed to comment on the overwhelming evidence that Jews are behind the great replacement agenda. After reading my post on the Kalergi plan, what say you about the activities of these Jews? “There are bad apples in every bunch” doesn’t cut it. Either you’re deliberately shilling for Jews or are too old and mentally handicapped to absorb new information.

          1. OH! please! come on! this site can be great but first we have to land on earth and try to solve the terrible situation in Europe.

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