Unbelievably Cucked Spaniards Host “Feminist Club” for Men

A group of unbelievably cucked Spanish men actually created a male feminist meet up where they muse about how stupefyingly cucked they are.

From El Pais:

The members of this group in Huelva hold monthly meetings where they reject toxic masculinity and discuss how to fight for greater gender equality

Everyone arrives with something to eat and drink. They leave the food in the kitchen and prepare to talk. It could be one of those exclusive men-only meetings that took place decades ago in the casino in Aracena, a town in the southwestern Spanish province of Huelva. But it’s quite the opposite. Welcome to Aracena’s men’s feminist club: the Fresh Wind men’s group.

It’s Friday afternoon at La Solana farm, six kilometers outside of Aracena, a town that is home to 8,040 residents. The club’s seven members have lived in Aracena for decades. Gradually, they arrive at the rural property owned by Ángel Rey, a recently retired pediatrician. Alejo Durán, a licensed psychologist and anthropologist, and Pedro Martín, a retired hotel purchasing chief, have been preparing firewood at Rey’s house since 5pm. Manuel, a municipal technician who asks for his last name not to be used, is the next to arrive, followed by Juan Manuel Franco, a local business owner who everyone calls Mame, and theater director Miguel Sánchez. Psychologist Pablo García is the last to pull up to the property. All the members greet each other with hugs and kisses.

Once a month the group of men, who are aged between 56 and 64, meet to speak from the heart and engage in a new form of masculinity – one that rejects so-called “toxic masculinity.” Everyone speaks about their life experiences as part of a reflection activity promoted by groups such as the Men’s Association for Gender Equality (AHIGE), which they belong to. Collectives like AHIGE not only aim to inspire change from within, they also want men to fight against gender violence and support “the fair demands of women against sexism.” There is no official data on how many men’s feminist groups there are – some sources say there are hundreds – but statistics suggest they have grown with the resurgence of the women’s movement in Spain and in response to other men who feel threatened by the call for social change.

I know, reading any further will make you vomit uncontrollably.

This would crack up Franco if he saw it.

Franco would say, “how the fuck has my country been turned into a haven of limp-wristed beta males and manginas who bow to women?”

Spanish women are mostly control freaks and entitled cunts. I don’t understand how Spanish men put up with it, but somehow they do, suffering through horrendous marriages to these aggressive, foul-mouthed, short-fuse putas.

Just look at these pathetic gimps touch shoulders and act all concerned for each other’s “feelings”. Do they also fuck each other in the ass during their weekly “feminist” meet up?

But these “male feminist” creatures are an abomination. What, do they think if they act all weak and unmanly, that these broad-shouldered, high-T Spanish birds will start banging them?

Women naturally are sexually attracted to height, strength and good physique, qualities that demonstrate the virility of a man. They’re also naturally turned off by “emotional” crybaby men who want to “let out their feelings”.

These “male feminist” cucks are not getting laid, not even by these blue-haired feminist bitches who secretly love the very “toxic masculinity” they claim to oppose.

They’re perhaps only getting some action from literal land whale feminists over 300lbs. I can believe that.

Where’s Franco when you need him?

2 thoughts on “Unbelievably Cucked Spaniards Host “Feminist Club” for Men

  1. In Franco’s time, all these “mariconas” were desapeared or exiliated. This subhuman trash had no room in our society. But since Franco’s death, all these faggots, lesbians, feminists, shemales and leftists ressumed their activity in Spain and have formed lobbies that have infiltrated all the political parties except VOX. Vox is the only one decent and honest political party in Spain fighting them but the immense ignorance and illiteracy of Spaniards are preventing VOX from governing the country though….the good news is that VOX has achieved a lot and now has representation in the political life of Spain. Little by little many Spaniards are waking up and missing Franco.
    Across Europe, Conservative parties are climbing up the columns of the globalist socialist Establishment.

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