Zio-Shill Tommy Robinson YouTube Channel Attacks Mark Collett

The Youtube channel of self-declared Zionist agent Tommy Robinson has put out a weird hit piece on alt-right podcaster Mark Collett.

The video essentially tries to prove that Collett is a “Nazi” and shames two former Robinson supporters who became red-pilled on the JQ and were subsequently exiled by the Tommy crowd for asking too many questions about the “chosen people”.

Shazia Hobbs, mentioned in the video, was an avid Robinson supporter until she got woke on Jews, for which she was permanently banned from the Robinson news website.

The real right has been calling out the Robinson sham for a long time. It’s surprising how long it’s taken some of these people to realize that he’s a bought and paid for Jewish operative. His mission is to keep you focused exclusively on Islam, while the Jews ransack our civilization from behind the curtain.

Robinson’s whole operation is managed by two Jews: Avi Yemeni and Ezra Levant. Without those two Jews directing all of Robinson’s affairs, there would be no “Robinson” to speak of. He is merely a puppet for the beguiling Jews behind the scenes.

Levant of Rebel Media is a classic swindler who hypes up news stories in order to petition supporters for donations. Robinson’s stints in prison appear to be money-making scams. Every time Robinson is put in jail, Levant and Yemeni make a big fuss about it, and beg supporters for cash to supposedly be used for Robinson’s “legal defense fund”. Who knows where the money actually goes.

The whole alt-light movement is a god damn Jewish swindle. Not one penny should be put into it. These people are con-men paid by Jews to deceive the goyim about where the monstrous attack on the West and whites ultimately comes from.

2 thoughts on “Zio-Shill Tommy Robinson YouTube Channel Attacks Mark Collett

  1. What a pathetic hit piece. Let me make some comments.

    1) Collett’s positive words about Hitler’s Germany are the same boring crap that many Jew-aware nationalists say. I have my personal reasons that I can expand for anyone who cares about why Hitlerism is not ideal, not now not ever, for our interests as White People. I also think he was a British-Zionist agent. Collett’s words though, don’t make him a “NAZI”….. LOL!

    2) The whole spirit of this hit piece, is SO CHOSENITE-like. They even used a ‘Spilbergite’ little ’empathic’ piano music when they spoke about ttttthhhhhheeeeee HHHHHHOLOCAUST ™.

    3) I think we (true white advocates) should say “I acknowledge Israel’s right to exist!…. but not it’s right to defend itself”. Lol, this is a great way to confuse and shock these bullshiters. We can say “I think it’s Great for the Chosen People that Israel exists, but I do not support it’s right to defend itself (because of entangling alliances and warmongering), nor do I care if it eventually falls.

    Tommy “The Jew Defender” Robbinson! He even defends the ‘sixmilllion’ fiasco.

    1. The video maker is clearly a Jew… Robinson’s whole operation is run exclusively by Jews. The piece of shit even said on camera while drunk that his shilling for Israel and the Jews made him rich.

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