Anti-White Jew Communist Terror Leader Bernie Sanders Declares War On White Nationalism

The abnormally old and increasingly senile Communist Jew Bernie Sanders has informed his Twitter followers that he has officially declared a Jew Communist total war on White nationalism.

Well, well, well, old Jewboy Sanders wants a fight…. and he will get one.

Jews and communists (interchangeable terms, really) have always been at war with White people. Communism was and still largely is a Jewish invention and endeavour which sought to erase national, ethnic, religious and class distinctions so that Racialist Tribal Jews could more easily rule over deracinated goyim.

All the early communist leaders and philosophers in Europe and Russia were Jews.

The Jewish Encyclopedia of 1906 in its article on socialism boasted about this fact:

Jews have been prominently identified with the modern Socialist movement from its very inception.

… While in Germany socialism has attracted individual Jews, in Russia it has become a movement of the Jewish masses. During the reign of Alexander II, the high schools and universities were thrown open to Jews. All classes, rich and poor alike, eagerly embraced the educational opportunities thus offered; and in the eighth decade of time nineteenth century Jews contributed a large contingent of the students. As in Germany, education quickened their resentment of legal discrimination against their race. This was the time when the universities became the hotbeds of socialistic agitation: the Socialists preached and practised the doctrine of equal rights, without distinction of race or creed; and the Jewish student, welcomed as a social equal, began to feel like one of the Russian people. As a natural consequence, numbers of Jewish students threw themselves into the Russian socialistic and revolutionary movement. The anti-Jewish riots of the next decade produced a strong reaction against this socialistic sentiment; furthermore the wave of emigration to the United States carried away many Jewish Socialists, while others joined the ranks of the Palestinians (the forerunners of the Zionists). Anti-Semitism made rapid progress among university students; and even the populist faction of the Socialists (“Narodniki”) fell under its influence.

The revival of socialistic agitation in the nineties found a fruitful field among the Jewish working men and women in the Pale of Settlement. In 1897 was organized the Jüdischer Arbeiter-Bund von Littauen und Polen (Jewish Labor Federation of Lithuania and Poland), which grew rapidly in spite of persecution, and soon became the strongest and best-organized body of Socialist working men in Russia. The Arbeiter- Bund. The organization and growth of the Bund have been among the principal causes of the recent revulsion of Russian public sentiment in favor of the Jews

The Jerusalem Post admitted that half of the Marxist revolutionaries on Lenin’s train to Russia from Germany were Jews and also about half of all revolutionary parties trying to foment communist violence against the Czar:

Some observers saw Lenin and his band as a motley group of Jewish revolutionaries. Alexander Guchkov, the Russian minister of war in the Russian Provisional Government after Tsar Nicholas II abdicated in March 1917, told the British military attaché General Alfred Knox that “the extreme element consists of Jews and imbeciles.” Lenin’s train had included 19 members of his Bolshevik party, several of his allies among the Mensheviks and six Jewish members of the Jewish Labor Bund. Almost half the passengers on the train were Jewish.

… When Theodor Herzl visited the Russian Empire in 1903, he met Count Witte, the minister of finance. According to Leonard Schapiro, who authored The Role of the Jews in the Russian Revolutionary Movement in 1961, Herzl found that “50% of the membership of the revolutionary parties was Jewish.” Herzl asked Witte why.
“I think it’s the fault of our government. The Jews are too oppressed.” Schapiro argues that Jews moved into revolutionary circles as they gained access to intellectual circles. Ironically then, the more Jews gained wealth and freedom in the empire, the more they also awakened to their predicament and joined the slow gurgling rebellion against the ancient regime.

So even though Jews were being permitted to higher learning in the Russian Empire, this only made them more determined to overthrow the Christian monarchy. That’s because Jews do these things out of pure hatred and spite for Christianity and Gentile cultures, not as a response to alleged “persecution” which is the common Jew apologist refrain for their troublesome anarchistic behaviour.

Even the KGB Bolshevik-sympathizer and philosemite Putin stated that 85% of the original Soviet government was Jewish.

A Jewish writer for Ynet confirmed that “some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish,” pointing to Jewish Soviet Bolsheviks Genrikh Yagoda and Lazar Kaganovich who we placed in charge of Stalin’s gulags and murder machine.

Bernie Sanders is a modern-day Jewish Bolshevik constantly agitating for violent revolution against the White majority. Sanders sees modern America through the lens of a Russian Jew communist revolutionary. He seeks the eradication of any vestige of the Old America, that being White America. In its place will be erected a New America full of low-IQ brown peasant lemmings who are much easier to shepherd and control towards the Jewish program of global governance.

Bernie Sanders is an iniquitous communist Jew, folks.

He must be stopped!

Hello Goyim, I’m Bernie Sanders and I want White people to go extinct so that my Jew race can rule the world from Jerusalem. Donate to my 2020 campaign to Make Whites Extinct.

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