Are Jews Hoaxing Hate Crimes On Themselves Again?

Looks like Jews are faking hate crimes on themselves once again.

Washington Examiner:

Police are investigating after three Hasidic Jews were violently mugged in Brooklyn and the tires of more than a hundred cars belonging to Orthodox Jews were slashed in New Jersey. 

The three Hasidic Jews were attacked Monday. The muggings occurred within an hour of one another, and police said that the attackers punched the victims in the face and rifled through their pockets. Two of the men reportedly suffered major trauma but are expected to recover. 

The New York Police Department’s hate crimes unit is investigating the incident. Police believe the attackers to be three teenage boys.

It is a well established fact that the majority of “hate crimes” against Jews, which usually entail some kind of swastika graffiti, are perpetrated by Jews themselves to make goyim feel sorry for them or to get some kind of security subsidies from the government.

These are Jewish scams, folks.

Jews are definitely hated by the majority of humanity, so it can’t be ruled out that a genuine righteous hater of Jews is behind this latest series of incidents. But given the history of incessant Jewish hoaxing, I doubt it.

The last major “hate crime” against Jews was those synagogue death threats, and that was perpetrated by a single teenage Israeli Jew, most likely on the orders of some Jewish Sanhedrin secret society looking to drum up fake anti-Semitism to justify internet censorship.

Then there was this one in Canada, where a Jew couple spray painted swastikas on their own restaurant.


An anti-Semitic attack originally called “the most brazen” the city had seen was staged by the owners of the restaurant that reported it, Winnipeg police say.

All three members of the family that owns BerMax Caffé and Bistro on Corydon Avenue have been arrested and charged with public mischief since the incident was initially reported last week. The family, however, insists they didn’t fake anything.

“We didn’t, because we don’t joke about swastikas on our walls,” Oxana Berent said in an interview with Ismaila Alfa, host of CBC Manitoba’s afternoon radio show, Up to Speed.

On Thursday evening, police responded to a report of an assault at the restaurant. A woman said she’d been assaulted, and the restaurant was spray-painted with hateful graffiti, police said.

Winnipeg police Chief Danny Smyth said Wednesday the attack was staged.

“The anti-Semitic graffiti and vandalism were also falsely reported as being done by outside suspects,” Smyth said.

Smyth said he is disappointed by the alleged staging and fears it will promote cynicism. The incident took place the night before the start of Passover, a significant Jewish holiday.

Alexander Berent, 56, Oxana Berent, 48, and Maxim Berent, 29, have all been charged with public mischief and were released after being arrested, police say. They are slated to appear in court in May.

The stupid cop in that case was only worried that the staged hate hoax by Jews will cause people to stop believing Jews when they report “hate crimes”.

And those are just a few of the hoaxes that were exposed and the real Jew perpetrators caught and prosecuted. Imagine all the Jew hate hoaxes that either went unsolved or some falsely accused chump took the fall for it.

So why do Jews do this? What kind of mental illness drives them to deceive us in this way?

The mental illness is called Judaism, folks.

It seems that while it’s true that pretty much half the world’s population hates Jews because Jews are very unlikeable people, very few are actually willing to take physical action against Jews. Knowing this, Jews have decided to take matters into their own hands by attacking themselves or staging attacks on themselves in order to elicit sympathy for their tribe as they fucking destroy the planet as well as to justify various schemes to strip the rights and freedoms away from the goyim.

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