Dumb Femcunt Admits That It’s Much Easier for Women to Get Sex than Men – Still Says Men Are “Privileged”

Some femcunt wrote an article exploring how easy it is for modern women to get sex and how hard it is for men, but managed to spin this fact back into her fembitch delusion that men are the “privileged” sex.

From the Guardian:

In a guest post, Girl on the Net ponders the supposed inequality of sexual opportunity. A man walks into a bar and offers sex to anyone who’s interested and is laughed out of the room. A woman walks into a bar and does the same and she’s inundated with horny suitors. Is this really how it works?

Yes, this is exactly how it works. Even fat chicks can easily get laid by dudes far above their caliber. It works this way because female dating/sex standards are so much higher than that of men, precisely because it’s so much easier for women to get sex when they want it. Since sex is abundant for females – all they really have to do is put up one pic on a dating app or simply walk into a local bar to get numerous offers – they’ve collectively elevated their standards for men to ridiculous levels, where only the Brad Pitts of the world are able to score consistently with thin, attractive women.

The fembot continues:

I don’t like the bar example. First, and most obviously, it is not universally true. There are women (and I am one of them) who have walked up to guys in bars, asked them for sex, and been flat-out refused. Likewise I’ve known men who have been able to get quick and easy sex with very little effort.

It’s not “universally true” but it’s generally true. The fact that she can point to one anecdotal case to the contrary doesn’t disprove the fact that the overwhelming majority of times, this is how it works. Women literally don’t have to put in any effort to get laid. With dating apps, there are hordes of men who will turn up at these bitches’ door in an instant to get laid. Not so for men. We have to do all the courting, approaching, petitioning, and are mostly met with rejections, until the perfect situation rolls around where some tipsy bar slut is horny and wants some dick. Either that or the dude has to jump through rings of fire in a “relationshit” and may get some periodic sex.

She goes on:

Second, not only does the bar example prop up unhelpful stereotypes about men (that they always want sex, because biology and testosterone and grrr), it also drives a hammer-blow into the self-esteem of any woman who has been turned down for a casual shag. Claiming that women can get sex just by clicking their fingers sets horny women up for a lifetime of disappointment, and gives men a reputation they can never possibly live up to.

So this bitch is just worried that if this “stereotype” persists, that women who actually get turned down by men will have their egos shattered. Boo hoo, bitch. If a woman is actually turned down by a guy, she must be truly hideous because most men won’t turn down sex and will fuck almost anything due to the fact that it’s so difficult for men to get sex.

She goes on:

If you’re into odd sexual studies, like me, you’ll probably be thinking of the Russell Clark experiment. In 1978, at Florida State University, students directed by Clark (a social psychology professor), approached people of the opposite sex at random and all asked the same question:

“I have been noticing you around campus. I find you to be attractive. Would you go to bed with me tonight?”

Not one of the women approached said “yes” to this proposition, but 75% of the men did. Assuming that men aren’t simply aroused by awkwardly worded sentences, let’s see why this might be the case.

Clark believed there was an evolutionary reason: women had evolved to be more selective about their partners than men.

Well there it is, case closed. Females are more “selective” about their partners because they are biologically driven to select the highest status/resource rich mate that they can find, and will turn down dozens of potential suitors if they don’t live up to their absurd standards. Men don’t have that luxury because women never approach or try to court men, so if men were to turn down a female asking for sex, which is an almost once-in-a-lifetime occurrence, he would never get his willy wet. And men just don’t care about status or wealth for females.

She goes on:

He backs this up by pointing to another part of the experiment (which, curiously, is much less commonly cited) that when the proposition changed to “would you like to go out with me tonight?” men and women accepted the proposition in roughly equal proportions. Others have suggested that it’s about socially learned behaviour: women are taught not to look too “easy”. Yet others have suggested that it’s more about risk aversion: saying “yes” to a horny stranger opens women up to potential dangers.

I suspect we’re affected by a combination of those factors, but that doesn’t matter for this discussion, because I’m going to take the conclusions of the experiment as read: women will have a greater hit rate than men if they approach strangers and ask them for sex.

So what exactly are you arguing against then, you stupid cunt? Women have easier access to sex, and this study proves that unequivocally. Stop trying to spin undeniable truths, ya dumb washed up cunthole.

She goes on:

Although the bar example seems to show women in a very privileged and powerful position – the ones who hold the keys to the sexual kingdom, if you like – what is actually on offer is a very limited type of sex: casual, quick, no-strings-attached sex with a stranger. This is problematic, because even if we accept the “women can easily get sex” proposition as true, we’re not saying that women can fulfil their sexual needs easily, only that women can have this specific type of sex easily.

That’s right. Women are in a privileged and powerful position when it comes to relationships, sex and dating. When will you be campaigning for females to give up this unearned privilege and power? The nutbar then makes some asinine point about how the “type of sex” available to women is not sufficient to satisfy their needs? What she really means is that these cock carousel-riding whores can’t get men to “commit” to them and open up access to their resources. This dumb hoe wants all the sex she can get AND for the suckers she’s taking for a ride to grant her access to their hard earned cash.

Entitled cunt.

And the final femspin:

But that’s not particularly surprising. The experiment and the bar example both offer a very specific type of sex. The type of sex that, rightly or wrongly, is associated with male desire and fantasy. Whether this is fantasy is biologically led, socially implanted, or simply a massive and mistaken generalisation on our part, it is nevertheless accepted as true, and provides the foundation on which the bar example is built. Seen from this angle, the bar example fruitlessly begs the question, and amounts to no more than saying “men are likely to accept the kind of sex that we think men like”.

This tells us nothing about levels of female sexual desire, or whether we are indeed in a privileged position when it comes to sex. In fact, any attempt to draw conclusions about female sexual need based on a sexual offer defined by male fantasy is as good an example of male privilege as anything else.

So there it is. She admits that women have easier access to casual sex than men, and cites a scientific study proving that fact, but somehow manages to conclude that men are still privileged over women.

Dumb. Fucking. Fat. Feminist. Whore.

In the realm of sex and dating, men are the beggars and women are the choosers. That means that women have all the power in this dynamic. They have all the options, and thus all the power to decide which one gets into her bed and which one gets the cold shoulder. Men have very little leverage when it comes to accepting or rejecting females because he is the one who has to make the moves and either be accepted or rejected. He isn’t getting any offers from females because females are biological cowards who never ask men out.

The only men who have some power in this realm are the super wealthy, high-status movie stars, athletes and businessmen. Those top 1% of rich men have tons of options because platoons of filthy gold-digging whores are throwing themselves at these men, hoping to get at their money and ride their coattails to a top quality lifestyle. But that is a very tiny portion of men in the world. 99% of men are operating from a disadvantage.

4 thoughts on “Dumb Femcunt Admits That It’s Much Easier for Women to Get Sex than Men – Still Says Men Are “Privileged”

  1. I could do the usual thing and speak about how the Chosen People want this situation in western societies, so that white men (the creative force of the White Race) will be disheartened to actually take part in society etc etc. But fuck this… When I see these women I think that in a way.. We are bringing this upon us. These females are as responsible as the Chosen People if not more.. because they are a willing 5th column in our midst.

    Some years ago I was studying the writings of a crypto-chosenite, supposedly racially aware Zionist Agent called (amidst a lot of weird nicknames) Brett Stevens. His very old writings are on the site http://www.anus.com . So that chosenite bullshiter wrote like 948242 articles on how we have to clean our own shit before we go out blaming the chosenites.

    In a way this fag was right. We first have to get these women to behave, or sell them in Lybia or something. To hairy muslims who can really make their pussy wet (before the cut off the clit or something). The Chosen People should be deported to the moon (when we get there), but our own fifth column should be dealt with first.

    Not one country official has addressed this problem in comprehensive terms yet. I am starting to lose patience.

    White Men WAKE UP and put these vaginas in the kitchen where they belong. If We DONT, then maybe we deserve our demise.

    1. Rather than forcibly put them in the kitchen, make them want to go there.
      Spend all your money on a nice new kitchen with all the modern gadgets (air con etc.), daytime entertainment and easy ways for them to network and gossip with their friends.
      It might make some of them prefer the kitchen rather than going out to work.
      The cost of all this might be worth it.
      Better meals, happier family etc.

      1. Maybe not . . . in this day and age, watching tv shopping channels, online shopping and eating ice cream and chocolate . . . would eventually take over from cooking and house-keeping.

        1. Good presents for ‘her indoors’ . . . new smoothing iron (latest model with steam function) , dust pan and good brush, bucket, mops etc. etc.
          It will make things easier for her.

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