Facebook Bans Alt-Right.com Promo Page

The last of my social media presence was on Facebook. That run is now over. We’ve been banned and deleted for “hate speech”.

The only platforms left that won’t ban me (as of yet) are Bitchute and Gab. Everything else has wiped us out. That’s because Jews and scum-sucking leftist SJWs control all major social media.

Robot Jew Mark Zuckerberg is literally the master chief of all social media.

As you can imagine, Robot Jew Zuckerberg especially dislikes “anti-Semites” because we tell the truth about his tribe’s various schemes to injure and subdue goyim races under a Jewish world government.

Like a typical thieving Jew, Zuckerberg actually stole the idea of Facebook from two non-Jewish White twins at Harvard, who later sued The Zuck for the theft of their intellectual property and were awarded 65 million.

That has quite literally been a standard practice of Jews throughout history – stealing the ideas and inventions of cleverer gentiles and then profiting greatly from these thefts.

So this Rotten Robot Jew, Zuckerberg, controls a vast social media empire and with the click of a button can erase the content of his enemies and ban their speech on his degenerate platform.

I rarely use Facebook because it’s a nest of criminally mentally ill narcissists who post the most inane garbage about their daily lives. From what I can see, the most active users of the service are mentally damaged females looking for attention and validation. Females are in constant need of human attention, validation and praise. They thrive off of it like mosquitos on blood.

Social media narcissism plays to the female psyche much more than the male, hence why these females make up the largest user base of these ghastly social media websites and apps.

Despite the total banishment from social media (Twitter, Facebook, Youtube), I believe we can grow this website enormously. But I need your help. Please spread my articles across the internet, on forums, social media, in comments under news websites and youtube, and anywhere else you can. Get the word out. If I see the hits steadily increase, I will be encouraged to continue producing content for your enjoyment and for the benefit of our cause.

If you like what I’m doing with the website, please consider donating (a small recurring monthly donation would be best) to help compensate me for the time, effort and energy spent on this content.

Many thanks.

4 thoughts on “Facebook Bans Alt-Right.com Promo Page

  1. I never ever used facebook.
    Long, long ago I set my computer to block it and that includes their widgets embedded in web pages.
    So I get web pages with little blank squares on them . . . and that speeds loading of my pages and cuts all the crap.
    Simply use your hosts file to prevent your machine from even doing a domain lookup for facebook, it redirects the request to (your local computer’s ip) or to
    Of course you can do the same for other trash content websites and enjoy a speed increase at the same time.

  2. Again Miles W Mathis to the rescue.
    The Winklevoss twins are jewish too.

    Over 95% of all Bitcoins in circulation are owned by about 4% of the market. In fact,
    1% of the addresses control half the entire market.
    Please read that again. That’s an astounding fact. It means the power to infuence the value of Bitcoin in the hands of a very select few.
    But wait, you say, we do know who the Bitcoin billionaires are. The media tells us who they are!
    People like the Winklevoss twins, Joseph Lubin, Brock Pierce, Matthew Mellon, Chris Larsen,
    and Ben Horowitz. You’re right, so let’s take a minute to hit each of them. By their photos alone
    you can tell these guys are all big, fat fakes…

    1. The pdf a Miles Mathis one – downloadable from big-lies . org, written by another researcher Booby Sherman (whoever that is) . . . still it is interesting.

  3. Funny video here of MZ, it is real and happened (probably) watch it sceptically.
    Mark Zuckerberg Into the Occult? – illuminati News

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