Jewish Female Wants You to Believe that White Replacement is Just a “Conspiracy Theory”

A Jewish female, Rosa Schwartzburg, who was “educated” at George Soros’ “Central European University,” wants you goyim to believe that the White replacement is just a “conspiracy theory” and that Jews have nothing to do with it.

In an article for the Guardian, Schwartzburg outlined what White nationalists believe about the threat of White extinction through large-scale mass immigration and low birthrates, then did nothing to refute this reality, giving no stats, numbers or anything, and concluded that our ideas are “immensely popular” and “spreading like a virus” and that there’s little Soros-trained shills like her can do to stop it.

She wrote:

Though it is difficult to write about without giving platform to these mass shooters and their ideas, it is important to understand precisely what beliefs are galvanizing many of the mass shootings we are seeing today. It is important to understand that white replacement is a transnational idea and discourse, influencing killers from Germany, to New Zealand, to here in the US. It is a widespread fear of ethnic replacement, shifting to suit the context of the place in which is presents. In the US, that is a fear of ethnic replacement by migrants from South and Central America. It is also made much more deadly by the US’s epidemic of available guns – which has led to 251 mass shootings in 2019 alone.

The great replacement is a deadly conspiracy – as well as one that is immensely popular on social media and among fearmongers like Tucker Carlson, whether it is overtly referred to or merely dog-whistled. It is vital that we understand the origins and implications of the theory, even as we strive to diminish its platform. The great replacement is spreading like a virus; we must find a way to inoculate against it.

This is all that our enemies can muster these days. And this is all that Jews ever do – they quote what we believe, apply the phony label “conspiracy theory” to what we believe, additionally call us “anti-Semitic” and “racist White Supremacists,” and then offer no counter-argument to what we believe.

This is the Jewish modus operandi and always has been.

They cannot refute the truths that we speak about the White replacement and about the “central role” that Jews are playing in that replacement, so they fall back on the negative labeling tactic which they’ve always done.

The bigoted Gentile-hating Anti-Defamation League did the same thing in a write-up about the El Paso shooting and alt-right reactions to it, quoting yours truly at length. No refutation detected, only quotes from prominent “White Supremacists”.

These Jews find themselves in a very awkward position when confronted with statements by Jews themselves confirming, even boasting, about the role of Jews in promoting mass immigration. Take Barbara “Europe Must Become Multicultural and Jews Will Be Resented for Our Leading Role” Spectre:

And here’s Jonathan Weisman stating that the “Jews have done the things White nationalists accuse us of”.

I quote numerous other Jews and Jewish publications in these videos bragging openly of Jewish involvement in promoting non-White immigration and anti-nationalist initiatives in the West.

So on the one hand, we have Organized Jewry denying that there’s anything to our theories about Jews and immigration, but on the other a number of prominent Jews admitting that we’re right and boasting about their crucial role in facilitating the invasion of the West by immigrants.

When it comes to anything Jew-related, we are always met with the official denials from the ADL types of anything nefarious, but we also often encounter subtle, off-guard admissions from individual Jews who are frankly proud of these monstrous Jewish endeavours to fuck over the goyim.

Take this arrogant Jew, Douglas Rushkoff, blurting out that the “anti-Semites have us right, in that we’re a corrosive force.”

Now if a non-Jew said that, he’d be immediately smeared and ridiculed as an “anti-Semite”. It’s the same dynamic when it comes to things like Jewish domination in Hollywood, where Jews secretly, and sometimes publicly, brag of their total domination of the movie industry, but they don’t want the goyim to say it fearing that Jews will be resented for being too powerful.

This is how the Jew woman describes herself and her activities:

Rosa Schwartzburg’s writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Nation, Jacobin, Slate. Her beats include EU politics, contemporary Hungarian history, analyzing fascism and populism from a transnational perspective, anti-authoritarian resistance movements, and academic freedom and access. She is a founding member of the Szabad Egyetem/Students for Academic Freedom student organization.

She an MA in Gender Studies and Critical Discourse Analysis from Central European University, specializing in the spread of white supremacist conspiracy theories and the radicalization of young men. Rosa holds a BA in Written Arts from Bard College and served as a Fulbright fellow to the Netherlands from 2017 to 2018.

So here we have a Jew woman who attended George Soros’ university in Hungary and has ever since become a Frankfurt School-type “scholar” writing marxist propaganda against the alt-right and nationalism. Meanwhile, the Jew woman most likely adores Israel and its apartheid policies to keep itself racially pure. She probably beams at the sight of dead Arabs and heroizes the Jewish snipers who kill women and children for sport. Again we have the typical one rule for the Jews, another for the Goyim mentality at work here with this Yenta.

George Soros and other Globalist Jews like him oppose “fascism” because Judaism seeks to conquer the Goyim races, and fascism, being a form of Gentile nationalism that excludes Jews from power and privilege, is an obstacle to Jewish world government.

Jews like Schwartzburg are simply low-level tribal minions of Soros and the globalist Jewish agenda, amplifying the propaganda of Supremacist Jews on far-left rags like the Guardian which happily prints anything favourable to globalist Jewish ambitions.

Daaang, nigga. I can’t imagine this thing gets any dates, even from thirsty betas on Tinder.

5 thoughts on “Jewish Female Wants You to Believe that White Replacement is Just a “Conspiracy Theory”

  1. NO group is more aware than the Jews that “migration” (euphemism for invasion) can destroy one’s ancestral land. Their “Jewish state” is a classic case in point and of course they’re very well acquainted with said case. They got their ethnocratic state in large part through migration, legal and illegal. In the Palestine of 1882 less than one person in ten was Jewish. When Jews started immigrating in the next century, the average Palestinian Arab probably thought the phenomenon harmless enough; but when the numbers really began to mount, enough Arabs became alarmed enough to complain to their Brit overlords, who did set limits to Jewish immigration. To the legal influx, however, there was then added a lot of illegal Jewish immigration.

    To make a long story short, on the eve of the war by which the invaders made the region theirs–in 1948–about one of every three people in Palestine was Jewish–32.4%. Migration had greatly increased the Zionist presence, no doubt decisively.

    It’s no doubt partly in remembrance of all this that the Jewish State implements no-nonsense measures to stop such immigration as can make Israel an unjewish state. Witness how they’ve stopped the black African invasion cold. Before that effective barrier was built in Sinai on the length of the Egyptian border, 60,000 blacks had entered Israel illegally. But with the completion of the barrier in 2013 none came through that area: in one entire year 16 black Africans got into the country by other routes. Meanwhile many of the invaders were detained in the virtual prison camp of Holot and deportations were ongoing. Further, the Israelis have had the good sense not to proffer material incentives to the invaders, and also to display a scowling visage at them–a clear “You’re not welcome” sign: e.g., MK Miri Regev called them a “cancer in the body of the nation”; 52% of the citizenry agreed with his characterization; 35% said violence was an acceptable way to deal with them (and some acted on their opinion); and the Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel, Yitzhak Yosef, called them “monkeys.”

    The leadership knows PRECISELY what large influxes of alien demographics can do. Foreign Ministry spokes Emmanuel Nahson said that they threatened Israel’s “identity” and Netanyahu said the same thing, also saying that “infiltration” of black Africans is worse than terrorism. In any event, there’s no longer a black menace where Israel is concerned.

    Of course, none of this has been shown on any Western TV sets. Nor is the reportage blackout any coincidence or accident. Number one, those who hate the European heritage don’t want Europeans or Euro-Americans to see that migratory invasion CAN be stopped. Number two, Western Jews, supremely potent in the media, don’t want Westerners to witness Jews doing and saying things that non-Jewish Westerners would be condemned as Nazis for doing and saying.

    In any case, I can’t imagine that the essential role that migration played in the takeover of Palestine doesn’t contribute to convince bigoted Jews that it’s the right strategy for divesting Europe of its Europeanness.

  2. Conspiracy theory?! Other Jews are more honest–e.g., Bari Weiss, writer and an editor of the NYT. Late last year she said “This is not a conspiracy theory; we are doing this.” Of course, she put a friendly face on the counterfeit philanthropy, attributing it to a Jewish custom of “welcoming strangers.”

    We notice however that the welcoming is confined to lands in which Jews are a small minority. We notice that no strangers are welcomed by Israel; its gates are shut to would-be non-Jewish immigrants. And what about those Palestinians, Bari? What must they do–change their names and appearance so they’ll be taken for strangers and be allowed to settle in the places from which their forebears were driven in ’48 and ’67?

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