Democrat Congressional Candidate Valerie Plame Tweeted Truths That Jews Don’t Like

Jews are upset and working to stifle the congressional campaign of Valerie Plame because in 2017 she tweeted out an article accurately describing Jews as the source of America’s non-stop Middle Eastern war adventures.

Jerusalem Post:

US congressional candidate Valerie Plame, who once tweeted antisemitic conspiracy theories blaming American Jews for causing America’s wars, now claims to be of Ukrainian Jewish descent in a new campaign video. The snazzy new spot shows someone driving backwards in a sports car, while the candidate recalls that she was once an “undercover CIA operative,” whose identity was leaked.

Plame is running for Congress in New Mexico and in the past was seen as a victim of the Bush administration. But in 2017 she tweeted an article titled “America’s Jews are driving America’s Wars” which showed a photo of Bill Kristol. Challenged on the offensive headline and antisemitic tweet, she told people to “calm down, re-tweets don’t imply endorsements. Yes, very provocative, but thoughtful. Many neocon hawks ARE Jewish.” She walked back that claim later and said she had “skimmed” the piece. However she has consistently been contradictory about the tweet, first claiming that the article was provocative and thoughtful, and then claiming that she had just skimmed it. The headline, “America’s Jews are driving America’s wars” is antisemitic. There is no “thoughtfulness” in it. And it doesn’t say “neocons,” a term that has been repackaged too often to mean “Jews.”

Later, on CNN in May 2019 when her candidacy became known she was asked about the tweet. Her story changed again, claiming she hadn’t liked the article and that the “only thing that I focused on in the article was that I thought it was a bad idea to get out of the Iran nuclear deal.” There are tens of thousands of articles arguing why it might have been bad to leave the Iran Deal, why did Plame tweet the one claiming “America’s Jews are driving America’s wars” from an antisemitic site that spreads conspiracies? Asked by CNN she then claimed that she “stupidly did not read the rest of the article.” Which is it? She read the offensive headline and tweeted it anyway? Or she skimmed it? Or just read the part about the “Iran deal” and tweeted the headline anyway? Or she focused on the “neocons.”

That whiny, rambling op-ed in Jerusalem Post features the common Jewish refrain to accusations of misdeeds: that telling the truth about their misdeeds is “anti-Semitic” and that these truths mustn’t be spoken by inferior goyim.

You know who else blamed Jews for the Iraq war? Israeli Haaretz columnist Ari Shavit.

Also, famous Jewish journalist Carl Bernstein said the same.

Are these Jews also “anti-Semitic”?

As you can see, calling people anti-Semitic is a Jewish trick to shame and deter honest investigators from looking into Jewish criminality. Even Jews admit to using this trick on us inferior goyim.

Here’s the basic process of Jewish trickery:

  • Jews start a war between goyim on false pretenses to benefit the Jewish race
  • Jews call the critics of the Jewish warmongers “anti-Semites”
  • Jews call anyone pointing out the common ancestry of the warmongers and their undeniable ties to Israel an “anti-Semite”
  • Jews call other Jews who state these truths “self-hating Jews” or capos

Only devious Heebs could go through life lying and deceiving the world like this.

Us civilized white gentiles are pretty much incapable of telling such monstrous lies to people on a routine basis.

With regards to Valerie Plame, she’s a pretty much useless Democrat on most issues. The only issue she’s ok on is staying out of the Jewish wars in the Middle East. Even some idiot Democrats oppose killing brown people so the Jewish race can take over the world. Idiot Democrats demand that Jews give up on their mission to slaughter brown Arabs and instead form a coalition with brown sand people and African tree people to exterminate the white race and take over our lands and resources.

That anti-White coalition between Jews and the darkies already exists, but some factions of Jews have prioritized the destruction of moslems who hate Israel.

Idiot Democrats don’t oppose murder and war on principle. They only oppose such things when the victims are dark-skinned sand and tree people from the third world because they want those people to become leftist voters in the West to pilfer white people and steal our stuff.

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