Idiot Femoid Swallows Engagement Ring During Bad Dream

Valuables should be kept away from femoids, folks.

The Independent:

A California woman says she dreamt that she snacked on her own engagement ring, only to wake up and discover she really had swallowed it.

Jenna Evans, the bride-to-be, wrote about the incident on Facebook, detailing the bizarre series of events that included plenty of laughter and an operation.

“We laughed pretty hard for about an hour and a half, called my mom, laughed until we were crying, googled ‘do other adults swallow rings’, because kids do it all the time, but apparently it’s less common for adults,’ Ms Evans wrote.

She then visited the doctor, where she got an X-Ray. They found the ring in her stomach, before deciding it would be best to have a gastroenterologist remove it.

“I went to urgent care where I struggled to explain why I was there, because I was laughing/crying so hard,” she wrote. “The doctor ordered an Xray and seemed pretty shocked when she walked back in with a second doctor and showed me that sure enough, my ring was right there in my stomach!”

Femoids are so crazy and volatile that they swallow jewelry in their sleep because of a bad dream.

Do these femoids need nannies to check on them while they sleep? Do they need baby monitors to keep them safe while they sleep? Do they need diapers so they don’t pee or shit themselves in bed?

We need to seriously reconsider how we view and treat women, folks.

Most femoids have the mental maturity of teenagers, and in the really bad cases of small children.

They need to be caged and corralled, folks.

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