Literal Savage Who Fought for ISIS Demands Sweden Pay Him Welfare!

I wish this were a parody, but it ain’t.

Sweden will be the first European culture to go extinct.

Voice of Europe:

A returned ISIS jihadist who has been accused of attending a terrorist camp and disseminating propaganda for terrorist groups is now demanding 200,000 Swedish krona (18,700 euros) from the government because the Social Insurance Agency failed to pay him the ‘activity support’ while he was detained in the UK.

The man formerly known as Bherlin Gildo was one of Sweden’s very first jihadists to make the trip to Syria. After he joined ISIS in Syria, photos of him posing with corpses, humiliating Christians, and trampling on dead Syrian soldiers were published on social media, Expressen reported.

In fall of 2014, British arrested Gildo and investigated him on suspicion of having committed terrorist offenses. He was later released in June of 2015 and cleared of charges following a “wrangle between lawyers” as intelligence services “refused to hand over evidence”, as the British media put it.

Following his release from British custody, Gildo then returned to Sweden where he changed his name and address.

Now, he’s demanding compensation for the benefits he didn’t receive while he was in the custody of the Brits.

Is this even real?

These devious half-ape, half-neanderthal third worlders are becoming so ridiculously arrogant that they’re demanding European governments fund their terrorist activities.

The malevolent Swedish government has been so welcoming and forgiving of literal terrorists who went around Syria beheading people.

The evil Swedish government pays ISIS terrorists to “reintegrate” into Swedish society.

The evil Swedish government does this because it wants native white Swedes to be killed and beheaded by shit-eating subhuman moslems.

The satanic Swedish government is subsidizing the murder of Swedes and the rape of Swedish women because it’s primary goal is the extermination of its own people.

If this continues, Sweden will die a slow and horrible death.

I guess this is just nature taking its course, folks.

Jihadi vermin like this gook-face rat deserve to have their genitals ripped off and to be spoon fed to sharks.

Giving human bacteria like that welfare money so he can maintain himself in the midst of superior Swedes is the greatest possible insult to the Swedish people.

All terrorist moslems must be expelled from Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand.

And Islam must be banned from our continent.

Reconquista 2020, nigga.

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