Paki President: Changing Paki Demographics of Kashmir a War Crime

So if the Paki President is allowed to say this about Kashmir, why can’t white people say it about Europe and North America?

These brown people don’t even like each other, and demand that they remain separate from each other in their countries.

I can’t really tell the difference between dot-heads from India and towel heads from Pakistan, but these two groups don’t like each other.

The Paki guy is correct that changing the demographics of an area is a war crime, but I don’t hear him saying the same about the Paki/Muslim demographic invasion of the West and displacement of whites.

This Paki wants Pakistan to remain brown, Muslim and Paki, but he doesn’t want white countries to remain white or Christian. He would call us “racists” if we rejected the Paki Muslim invaders hell bent on conquering our lands through demographics.

This is precisely how brown people operate. They want tight-knit racial solidarity and nationalism for themselves, but demand that white people make space for them and their curry-stinking cultures in our midst.

White people need to stand up and say that if Pakistan is for Pakis, India for dot-heads, Asia for zipper-heads, etc., then white countries are for white people.

Stinky foreigners can get lost.

One thought on “Paki President: Changing Paki Demographics of Kashmir a War Crime

  1. Oh wel they probably nuke each other to death over a shitty territory nobody gives really a rats ass anyway except for the British maybe.

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