Savage Turkman Threatens To Flood Europe With Refugees

Savage Turkman dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan has once again threatened to “open the floodgates” of refugees into Europe… because he wants some money.

Al Jazeera:

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that his country may reopen the route for refugeesand migrants into Europe if it does not receive adequate international support to enable it to cope with the millions of refugees in Turkey.

“This either happens or otherwise we will have to open the gates,” Erdogan said in a speech in the capital, Ankara, on Tuesday.

“Either you will provide support, or excuse us, but we are not going to carry this weight alone. We have not been able to get help from the international community, namely the European Union.”

Under a deal agreed between the EU and Turkey in March 2016, Ankara agreed to stem the flow of refugees and migrants into Europe in return for billions of euros in aid.

The Turkish government says it has only received a fraction of the promised financial support from the bloc.

The number of refugee arrivals in neighbouring Greece spiked last month. A week ago, more than a dozen boats carrying 600 migrants and refugees had arrived – the first simultaneous arrival of its kind in three years.

This is the same savage Turkman who previously called upon Turk invaders living in Europe to “stake a claim” on the continent by outbreeding native Europeans.

And this is the same savage Turkman who funded and armed Syrian Islamist terrorist rebels to overthrow his rival Bashar Assad.

This barbarous Islamopirate wants to conquer Europe, folks, and impose his medieval sand religion on us infidels.

He has routinely blackmailed European countries with these refugee pawns of his. Either we pay this mafia dictator so he can enrich himself and brutally purge his internal rivals, or he sends swarms of sand people our way.

Sick, evil Turk bastard.

9 thoughts on “Savage Turkman Threatens To Flood Europe With Refugees

  1. Sick, evil Turk bastard.

    You’re gonna make some Greek fans there Brandon for sure!

    By the way, as a Greek, I don’t view Turks unfavorably. A big percentage of Istanbul Turks look white. They never caused any problem for me.

    The government of Turkey however has always been an annoyance. And this has been enabled by them being a part of NATO. And they want them to enter the EU too. Lol. That’s insane.

    The whole “Turkey” sharade started with Kemal Attaturk, who was very possibly a crypto. A so called Donmeh ( ). Interestingly, again, a chosen person is connected to genocide, with the Greek and Armenian genocides. Seems like genocide and ethnic cleansing is something ‘they’ are obsessed with. And they also like to blame others for perpetrating the stuff the have in their fantasies. Think of palestine and the ‘Palestinian Mufti’ and Adolf Hitler.

    But the whole Turkey thing is bullshit. This was a gigantic empire, that used to include us (Greeks), and the only identity they had together “Turks” was being muslim. It was an islamic empire.

    The real Turks are the Turks of Central Asia. Another very interesting people, with a rich history. But they have nothing to do with Anatolian “Turks”. The only connection is that the original conquerors of Consantinople were quite possible central asian. But they disappeared in a tide of mediterranean and anatolian and middle eastern genes.

    So, Turkey is kind of made-up. Always being a menacing islamic threat there. But we Greeks of course have to thank our white and christian allies, the British, for cooking-up the Cyprus situation and giving half the island to the muslims.

    Thanks, mates.

  2. Refugees are pawns of the Afro-Eurasia project, just like crypto-globalist Duginists. And who “will be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make.” (B. Specter). Economic cooperation would be great, but without open borders! I’ve been watching some of their talks… (46:40 )

  3. I said this endlessly before that you are going to have to eliminate the Jew and the nonwhite from your homelands! There is no other choice, if you are going to succeed and there is no actual reason for them to be there in the first place. This demographic decline and the use of invaders to replace the population is a smokescreen that the Jews use to destroy us, that’s been their plan from the get-go and the fact that we don’t resist the Jew and their plans is something which is beyond my comprehension.
    This whole business of the decrease in white populations in Europe is a very serious issue and I think it goes beyond just cultural training that women should value a career before family. That’s obviously a part of it because they have been brainwashed and told that there is no value in having kids. But the infertility that is being seen throughout the Western world in my opinion comes from chemical pollution that has been ongoing for decades and has created a considerable number of health problems in our societies. Something about that I think needs to be done to ameliorate their toxic effects and to allow people to reproduce, and also to, there should be a restriction to abortion in the Western world, such that white children are allowed to be born and adopted if the woman decides she doesn’t want to keep the child. There are plenty of white families who are wanting children and would love them if they could find them.

    With regards to the African populations. We should cut off all food sources to them and starve them if they do not instigate their own population control and enact strict migration policies (read invaders policy), which would shut down that industry damn quick! The Africans can’t manage their own affairs, so I say let them fall on their own swords and that would take care of their increased populations! We don’t owe anything to anybody in this world, and we need to toughen up and use harsh measures if we are going to save ourselves from all these brutes that exist in the Third World. Will we find the will to throw out those people who have come in without our permission? Somehow we have dictatorial Jewish governments, which tell us how we are to continue our societies and we need to confront them and destroy them ultimately!

    1. Yes Howard I agree.

      I said this endlessly before that you are going to have to eliminate the Jew and the nonwhite from your homelands!

      Eliminate seems to be what they are doing to us, but not eliminate by our geographical removal – far more devious and sinister than that.
      They have relocated here (trojan horse style) and then let in more unwanted guests.

      1. Whenever we whites organize anything or have any kind of advertised meetings, guess what? There are always jews present, who swear blind that they are not jews. or that they are mixed etc..
        Going by names as an indication of jewishness is not always a very reliable indicator, although it is a start, as are looks, someone dressed in a black traditional costume popular in 1500s poland most probably is, and facial features and attitudes to money etc.
        So beware they are attracted to white nationalist groups.
        Best thing to do is to inform trusted whites of times and venues whilst not letting the infiltrators know where you meet.

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