Senile Old Fuck Biden: Illegal Immigrants Are More American Than Actual Americans

What does this shit even mean?

Fox News:

2020 presidential hopeful Joe Biden had another head-scratching moment out on the campaign trail Thursday when he claimed illegal immigrant children “become Americans” before actual United States citizens do.

Biden was asked how he would oversee immigration detention facilities as president during an event in Rock Hill, S.C. — and he took the opportunity to praise undocumented youths.

“We have to find a pathway for Dreamers,” he said. “These kids who come — and they end up doing well. They become Americans before a lot of Americans become Americans,” he told the crowd.

“No, I’m serious,” Biden continued. “They get [into] school. They do well. They contribute to the community. They contribute to the country. So No. 1, we legalize the Dreamers,”

Biden then mistakenly said he would send an “amendment” to the desk of the House and Senate to create a pathway to citizenship for the millions of immigrants living in the United States illegally.

“No. 2, I would send, immediately, an amendment to the desk of the United States Senateand the House of Representatives — a bill to the desk — that said the following: We have to find a pathway to citizenship, earned citizenship, for the 11 million undocumented [immigrants],” he added.

Biden also cited the Statue of Liberty as justification for his policy proposals and claimed America should accommodate whoever comes knocking, as long as they claim to be seeking asylum.

This senile old fuck has gone off the rails. He’s calling illegal aliens more American than born and bred Americans. And this stupid dunce is actually trying to win an election with this kind of insulting rhetoric towards real Americans?

Biden might as well say this:

Hello American voters, I’m Joe Biden, vote for me because I will legalize tens of millions of illegal alien border jumpers and give them your jobs and your tax money through welfare. I consider illegal border jumpers more American than you racist, hillbilly rednecks. Vote Biden 2020.

Who would vote for this America-hating, white-hating amnesiac geezer besides Mexicans and some ditzy women?

This satanic Jew servant actually stated proudly in front of television cameras that whites becoming a minority in the US is a “good thing” and a “source of our strength”.

He told Americans that they’re being demographically replaced and that they should welcome being replaced by Mexican tomato pickers.

Like all Democrats, Biden is a dangerous menace to America and the white race, a pure servant of the Jewish race dutifully following Zion’s Protocols script to destroy European civilization as revenge for the fake Holocaust and justified pogroms.

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