Vampire Zombie Women Take To Spanish Streets to Protest Shortage of Male Blood to Drink

These loud-mouthed Spanish bitches will be protesting until the end of time.

The Guardian:

Protesters will take to the streets of more than 250 towns and cities across Spain on Friday to declare a “feminist emergency” after a series of high-profile rape cases and a summer in which 19 women were murdered by current or former partners.

Organisers are aiming to “turn the night purple” – the colour of the feminist movement – to raise the alarm and protest against apathy, indifference and a lack of attention from politicians and the media.

So far this year, 42 women have been murdered in domestic violence attacks and 32 children left motherless. Since the government began recording such murders in 2003, 1,017 women have been killed by their current or former partners.

The demonstrations come three years after the notorious gang-rape of a woman at the running of the bulls festival in Pamplona and amid the trial of seven men accused of raping a 14-year-old girl in Catalonia.

It’s really just best to ignore these moronic females or laugh and make fun of them for being so disgusting and evil.

These are the same absolutely retarded leftist sluts who support open borders mass immigration of violent sand and tree people from Africa.

The vast majority of real “rapes” come from the aforementioned tree and sand people from the third world, but white feminist women insist on bringing these apes to our countries and letting them run amok.

Feminists have no logic, of course. They simply advocate the total destruction of society and anarchic chaos.

Obese shit-eating lesbian feminists hate men, but they hate white men above all. So bringing wild beasts from Africa and Arabia to our countries is part of their heinous Marxist plan to destroy white males.

Feminists are satanists, folks, who drink the blood of children and sacrifice them at the altar of their Hebrew god Karl Marx.

Spanish women already have an inherent attitude problem. They believe they are god’s gift to mankind. Throw on top of that this totally rancid, virile feminist ideology and you have pretty much satanic demons walking the streets of Spain spreading their demon vibes to the rest of the population.

How do we escape this hellish nightmare that white women and Jews have created?

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