Canadian Election Debate: Globalist Anti-White Demons vs. One Proud White Man

The only person on the stage worth listening to is Maxime Bernier, the proud French-Canadian white patriot promising to drastically cut down on massive third world immigration, and to start prioritizing skilled immigrants from other first world countries.

All the other candidates are useless shitbags talking the usual leftist rubbish about “inclusivity,” empowering troublesome minorities, pandering to homos, lesbos and deviant trannies, and climate alarmism.

I thought Bernier should have come out a lot harder against these miscreants, shaming them openly as anti-white scum. Especially that arrogant turban-head who called for Bernier to be banned from the debate.

I would have stated flat-out that these people are evil psychopaths hell-bent on the extinction of whites in Canada. It needs to be said loud and clear to the faces of these marxist globalist tyrants.

The goal of these marxists is as follows:

  • makes whites into a small minority
  • ban speech critical of globalism, multiculturalism and the jewish power elite behind these agendas
  • ban speech critical of the jews’ non-white immigrant pawns ransacking Canada
  • legally mandate race-mixing, banning same-race relationships between whites
  • redistribute the wealth of whites to non-white usurpers
  • enforce homosexual and pedophilic behavior on citizens

This is what these satanic marxists have in store for white poeple.

Whites better wake up fast and vote Maxime Bernier into office so he can take care of this mess ASAP.


2 thoughts on “Canadian Election Debate: Globalist Anti-White Demons vs. One Proud White Man

  1. If anyone wants to see how fast Canada went to crap after they de-illegalized Chinese tourism, then buying citizenship through a degree or a condo, just look at any Kids in the Hall video, not ancient history kids. I remember, back when Tom Green was popular, Canadian chicks were more polite, fit, and virtuous than American women. It was a great Scots-Irish off-shoot.

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