Evil Crypto-Jew Bitch Lambastes “White Male” Colleagues in Town Hall Meeting

A totally evil-looking crypto-jewess was captured on video raging against her town hall colleagues, demanding that they shut up and not speak because they’re “privileged white males”.

The Blaze:

A board of trustees meeting in the Village of Oak Park, Illinois, took an ugly turn Monday night, when one elected official went on a tirade against several of her colleagues for daring to give input on updates to the town’s equity, diversity, and inclusion statement.

Trustee Susan Buchanan came unglued after another trustee, Dan Moroney, suggested defining what it means to “break down systems of oppression” as part of the language in the proposed new version of Oak Park’s diversity statement.

Moroney used the example that the local police department had recently been accused by some in the community of being a “system of oppression” and he would therefore “hesitate to send the message to our police department that they are a system of oppression.”

Moroney went on to note that it was important to define such terms, because someone in the local newspaper had recently said racial equity could be achieved via wealth redistribution through socialist policies.

“That’s not something I’m in favor of,” Moroney emphasized, adding that capitalism would actually lead to greater equity.

Buchanan, a medical doctor who has served on the board since April, criticized Moroney for bringing up the police and capitalism, and then another male trustee stepped in delicately to try to assist in working out language that would satisfy all parties. 

Buchanan had heard enough. 

“I am so tired of hearing two white men tell us what systems of oppression are,” she said to applause from the audience. “You have been white from birth. Why are you arguing what is a system of oppression? You’ve never experienced it, so shut up! I don’t want to hear from you! Just stop Dan, just stop Deno. You are not oppressed people and people in Oak Park are and we are trying to recognize that as a community.”

She continued, “This mayor and this board is obviously not willing to face history. We have a chance to make history. It is time for this community to face equity. Enough!”

Then, pointing fingers at the men directly, she said, “And you stop it! You are a white male! You stop it, you are a white male!”

According to West Cook News, Buchanan even turned her ire to Mayor Anan Abu-Taleb, a Palestinian immigrant, pointing at him and telling him, “Your skin is light enough. Stop it!”

This is the level of open hatred for white males that’s allowed to fester in modern society. How can a psycho white-hating jew bitch go around berating white men publicly and demanding that they shut up because “privileged white men” aren’t allowed to have opinions? If this devious Heeb had said that about black men, she would’ve been immediately canned. But bashing white men is perfectly acceptable in modern discourse.

Rich, privileged jews have crafted this fake white privilege narrative to enrage minorities against us and lay the groundwork for an eventual genocide of our race.

Rich, privileged, white-hating jewish psychopaths have engineered the anti-white campaign from start to finish because rich, privileged jews control most media outlets, Hollywood, most investment banking institutions, and have a large influence over most major corporations.

Rich, privileged jews own our politicians through lobbies like AIPAC and the ADL.

Rich, privileged jews control most of the wealth of America, Europe and Russia, and these same rich, privileged jews are using their money to incite hatred and rage against white people.

These rich, privileged jews are doing all of this because they have a cultural, religious and genetic hatred of the white race. They harbour this intense hatred of the white race because white people have historically quarreled with the perfidious jewish race and variously ejected this race from their societies for causing too much trouble and misery.

As such, jews carry in their veins a menacing grudge against our race and endeavour to exterminate our race from the earth so that the jewish race can reign supreme over the goyim.

3 thoughts on “Evil Crypto-Jew Bitch Lambastes “White Male” Colleagues in Town Hall Meeting

  1. During the 2018 Senate confirmation hearings concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, “liberal pundits” in the Corporate, anti-white Media knocked the presiding Senate committee for having too many White men–and nobody on the guilty networks concerned calked them on it. No one said as little as “I thought we weren’t supposed to critique people on their color anymore.”

    As far as I know, in all the Corporate Media only the relatively conservative Fox News, specifically Tucker Carlson, arraigned the racial bigots. And yet if any White media figure were to say “The New York Knicks are unacceptable–they have too many blacks,” it’d be the end of his or her media career.

    Yes, there’s open season on us.

    I think, though, that part of the trouble is that too many Whites take this shit lying down. I feel that any time such bigotry transpires in our presence, to suffer it quietly is a mistake–that it richly deserves an impassioned shout-down. I’ve shut up such turds in the past, gone jaw to jaw with them; and if I had been there when she told the White men to shut up I’d have shouted “No, YOU shut up, bigot!” I’d have tried my best to create an upheaval.

    We gain nothing from politeness and over-restraint when such turds spew their filth on us and ours. The wages of not resisting aggression are to be stepped on more and more. We must come to personal grips with our assailants sooner or later, and the sooner they see that their hate speech can’t be publicly spread without leading to situations, the better, as I see it. Our resistance shouldn’t only be polemical, cyberspatial, electoral, etc.

    Lol, I see that the turd also attacked the Palestinian Arab mayor–he wasn’t supposed to say anything either, because he’s light! Of course we know that the Palestinians have never suffered oppression.

    Yeah, ya can’t be oppressed if you’re light-skinned. LOL, I’ve known Palestinians who were blue-eyed and light-haired, and yet I’ve heard rumors that the whole Palestinian nation has lain under an iron heel. What a POS that cunt is….

    1. Exactly this is the problem for Palestinians – they are too White. If they were darker-skinned or even black there would be more solidarity, be sure!

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