Evil Bolshevik EU “Court” Demands Facebook Remove “Hateful Content”

The European Union has become an oppressive totalitarian Bolshevik apparatus and it needs to be destroyed.

LA Times:

Facebook Inc. can be forced to remove posts anywhere in the world to protect European Union users from hateful content, the bloc’s highest court ruled in a case that widens a chasm with the U.S. on freedom of speech and privacy.

European courts can force platforms such as the social-network giant to seek and destroy such content once they’ve been alerted, the EU judges said in a binding decision on Thursday. Courts can also order a worldwide removal as long as they take international law into account when they issue the edicts, the judges said.

“Today’s ruling essentially allows one country or region to decide what internet users around the world can say and what information they can access,” said Victoria de Posson, senior manager in Europe at the Computer & Communications Industry Assn., an industry group that includes Alphabet Inc.’s Google and Facebook as members.

The EU has taken a tougher stance on citizens’ online rights than elsewhere in the world. In 2014, the EU’s top court gave people a so-called right to be forgotten, allowing them to ask Google to remove European links to websites that contain out-of-date or false information that could unfairly harm a person’s reputation. Still, in contrast to Thursday’s judgment, the same court decided last month againstrequiring search engines to scrub links globally.

So some shit-eating, satanic globalists in Brussels now decide what you can and cannot post, and what you can and cannot read on Facebook.

The EU is a cauldron of evil and every top bureaucrat who works there is a blood-drinking devilish fiend.

We demand justice. We demand that all top EU officials enforcing this kind of censorship be tried and convicted of crimes against humanity. These are the most wicked villains the world has ever known. These EU globalist scumbags are worse than literal nignog warlords from Africa.

It’s high-time to hang these sick traitors.

3 thoughts on “Evil Bolshevik EU “Court” Demands Facebook Remove “Hateful Content”

  1. I had a weird dream last night.
    I got a job in some department of a large firm.
    An employee showed me an example work or component request form that he had completed.
    The blue copy of this form had several vertical columns.
    In the right most 2 columns against each of about 20 items was written in handwriting a tick and “good for israel”.
    I immediately balked at the idea of having to do similar and started thinking ‘do I play along or do I quit’?

    1. ‘do I play along or do I quit’?

      Of course – I forgot – there are always other options
      1. Ask why this is done? (that should not worry them).
      2. Complain about it – stating your points of view (might cause them to blacklist or fire you).
      3. Sabotage 🙂 once on the inside (they would not know until it was too late).

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