Why Would Any White Canadian Vote for This Dot-Head?

Why would any white Canadian vote for this dot-head (above)?

He does not look like them and he does not represent their interests.

This man pledges to artificially “equalize” society by taking money from white people and giving it to brown people.

He pledges to put restrictions on the speech of white people so that brown people (and other “minorities,” like gays) can avoid offense and criticism.

He pledges to keep the borders wide open so more of his kin-folk can invade and plunder the economy that his people had no hand in building.

He pledges to prevent white people who don’t like his anti-white policies from speaking. He may even seek to put them in jail for “hate speech”.

Any white person who votes for this cretin is a self-hating white person who wishes they were brown. 

Such white people should leave the West and go live amongst their preferred people in Africa and India.

But no, instead of doing that, they stay here and advocate and support policies that harm white people and even themselves, all in the name of “virtue signaling”.

2 thoughts on “Why Would Any White Canadian Vote for This Dot-Head?

  1. Any white Canadian man voting for him is retarded. Or a snob. Or he is pushed by wifey: “If you don´t vote the Sikh guy I will shut my legs for you forever and I will be fucking the Tinder studs in your face (now I only do it behind you) and I will rape divorce you, and you will see your children just once a month, and the most harmful thing: you won´t see never ever again your dog, in fact I will slaughter him. I want to vote and I want you to vote that Sikh guy because I got very wet by watching “The English patient” and the romance between that French woman and the Sikh gurkha, back in the 90s when we went to the movies. So romantic!”·

  2. “Why Would Any White Canadian Vote for This Dot-Head?”
    The answer is, of course, extremely simple; the reason why anybody who’s white does what they do against the interest of their own people is the fact that they have been head fucked for the past 60 years by Jewish propagandists into believing that if it wasn’t for them being on earth utter Nirvana would have already transpired. When you are successful in teaching of people to hate themselves anything is possible. And Jews use every trick in the book to turn what’s right into wrong and turn everything on its head. Suddenly, left is right, top is bottom, Satan is morality, etc. etc. etc. you get the picture.

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