Brilliant Nog Reporter Consults Tarot Card Reader to Locate Fugitive Female Guilty of “Racism”

A brilliant nog reporter in South Africa consulted a tarot card reader to locate a fugitive “racist” who said mean things to black people.

This is intrepid nog journalism at its finest, folks.

South Africa is a literal dungeon where nog torturers are dealing out “racial justice” against white people for establishing the best society in Africa until the nogs took over and completely ruined it.

Saying mean things to nogs in South Africa can cost you a hefty jail sentence.

Like these white farmers who each got over a decade in prison for trapping a nogger thief in a coffin whom they caught trespassing and stealing from their property.

This is the only real way to deal with a nog thief.

So the way the system works in nog-ruled South Africa is that nog government ministers can chant songs about killing white people to thousands of supporters and even issue veiled threats to carry out a genocide of all white people, but if a white person criticizes a black person the white person gets years in prison.

The nog-ruled government can also discriminate against white people with “affirmative action” schemes of “black economic empowerment” and expropriate white land and property.

But don’t dare call a nog a nog, white man, for you will meet swift justice by a nog magistrate enacting racial justice in this fine nog country.

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