Deranged Jew Zealot Sacha Baron Cohen Demands All Awake Goyim Be Banned from the Internet

The bigoted jew “comedian” Sacha Baron Cohen gave this Orwellian speech at an ADL event where he was receiving an award for ridiculing critics of jews in his trashy films.

The speech is little more than a series of slurs, buzz words and calls for vast censorship of the internet to shut down all “Nazis”. Cohen seems irked that the jewish owners of websites like Facebook are not cracking down hard enough to scrub all criticism of jews.

A “Nazi” in the mind of deranged paranoid jews like Cohen is anyone who questions anything that jews or Israel do.

Jews want to be able to get away with literally anything. And they don’t want anyone investigating or reporting on the evil things that they’re doing to destroy the planet.

Cohen is repeating virtually all the talking points of the ADL itself.

This is how jews operate. These supremacist beasts believe they are above man-made laws and are above the rebuke of non-jews.

Did you know that Israel is a safe haven for pedophiles?

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz and the Independent reported how jewish pedophiles are fleeing to Israel to escape the law in their countries of residence.

From the Independent:

Activists fear Israel is becoming a safe haven for paedophiles thanks to the country’s unique Law of Return for the world’s Jewish people.

A Jewish person from anywhere across the globe can be fast-tracked for citizenship in Israel, as well as their spouse, children and grandchildren.

An 1954 amendment to the law bans “a person with a criminal past, likely to endanger public welfare” but campaigners say sex abusers are slipping through the net.

“Israel is becoming a safe haven for paedophiles due to the unique opportunity available to all Jews from anywhere in the world to immigrate there,” said child abuse survivor Manny Waks, founder of child sex abuse advocacy group Kol V’Oz, speaking to The Independent.

“This provides a relatively efficient and effective way to evade justice from other countries. It also provides a sanctuary to those who have already been convicted.

”It’s important to note that while there are some criminal background checks as part of the immigration process, there are multiple ways to overcome this requirement.”

Jewish Community Watch says that 32 paedophiles in their database have moved from countries around the world to Israel over the past decade.

Israel is also a safe haven for jewish drug dealers, cybercriminals and financial scammers.

According to one of the articles above, “Some 25% of the revenue of Israel’s lauded high-tech sector comes from shady or fraudulent industries; three-quarters of MKs are said to be in thrall to special interest groups.”

Is Baron Cohen suggesting that these news organizations be banned also for reporting on the crimes of jews? Or does it only apply to people who are openly right-wing in their political views?

In any case, fuck this totalitarian jew and his maniacal agenda to silence us.

Cohen’s claim to fame is getting some beastly sweaty lardass to sit on his face.

Cohen is not actually that funny so he must resort to grotesque shock humor to get laughs from goyim.

And now that he’s getting older and running out of asinine ideas for movies, he’s morphing into a Leonardo DiCaprio type activist. But instead of shilling for the climate change hoax, he’s shilling for his jew race’s domination over the planet and the criminalization of all speech deemed unfavorable to the chosen ones.

3 thoughts on “Deranged Jew Zealot Sacha Baron Cohen Demands All Awake Goyim Be Banned from the Internet

  1. You would think we are in Tel Aviv watching the National News. This country is under attack from Rothschild and it’s proxy state Israel but the sayan that own the media and every other industry in the us won’t let it out.

  2. Bigot Jew Sacha Baron Cohen gave this speech at an ADL event …

    ” (music) Throw the Jew down the well … So your county can be free … “

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