Anti-Trump Jew Journo Says “The One Thing” The President Gets Right is Kissing Israel’s Ass

Anti-Trump jew “journalist” Bret Stephens, who has called for Trump’s impeachment, wrote an article supporting Trump’s position on Israeli settlements.

Do these tribal jews have no self-awareness at all?


In this week’s Mideast news, the Iranian regime has reportedly killed more than 100 of its own people as it attempts to suppress another wave of nationwide demonstrations. The Islamic State is taking advantage of Turkey’s invasion of northern Syria to regroup. Governments in Lebanon and Iraq remain paralyzed by popular discontent. And Israel has struck dozens of targets near Damascus after intercepting Iranian rockets fired from Syria.

Into this thicket of trouble, Mike Pompeo announced on Monday that the State Department would reverse a 41-year-old legal opinion claiming that Israeli settlements in the West Bank were inconsistent with international law. The decision has garnered outsized attention, as if it’s another gratuitous Trumpian obstacle on the road to peace.

It’s not. To paraphrase Ariana Grande, we have one less problem without it.

I rarely have anything positive to say about Donald Trump’s foreign policy, and his overall approach to the Middle East is damaging and potentially disastrous for the United States and Israel alike. America cannot turn its back on the region, as Trump would like to do, and imagine the Middle East will return the favor. And Israel will not be safe in an America First world in which allies like the Kurds are cavalierly betrayed and enemies like Iran are only haphazardly confronted.

But let me give the administration some credit: When it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, at least it isn’t stuck in a time warp, hanging on to hoary shibboleths.

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Among those shibboleths: That the conflict can be solved by returning to the status quo ante 1967, or at least an approximation of it. That peace between Israel and the Arab states hinges on delivering a Palestinian state. And that settlement construction is the principal obstacle to peace.

This is all nonsense. The pan-Arab campaign to “liberate” Palestine began two decades before Israel controlled an inch of Gaza or the West Bank. Resolving the territorial dispute arising from the 1967 war does nothing to solve the existential issues arising from Israel’s creation in 1948. Relations with much of the Arab world have flourished in recent years, not on account of any progress on the Palestinian front, but because Arab states see Israel as a capable ally against an imperialist Iran.

Right, the jews and their expansionist settlements have nothing to do with the response they get from these wily Arabs.

Periodic home demolitions and killings of Arabs has nothing to do with their hatred of Israel, right goyim?

These Palestinians just hate jews because of some passages in the Koran, right goyim? It couldn’t possibly be the behaviour of jews that causes the visceral response, right goyim?

The jews truly are self-deluded nut jobs who must be completely excluded from white societies if we are to survive as a race and civilization.

Backwards, mentally ill child-sacrificing desert bandits don’t belong here.

2 thoughts on “Anti-Trump Jew Journo Says “The One Thing” The President Gets Right is Kissing Israel’s Ass

  1. The jews were not even relevant until they bought their way onto the scene with millions of lies & magic including the big lie that that good & evil are just a construct. Narcissistic sociopaths acting like a heard of goats eating everything in sight and vomiting it back on all of us.

    Don’t even try to give them that much credit, Please. Phony baloney hand wavers but a serious infection.

    We are Responsible for letting the jews come into power and We are Responsible for Shutting Them Down.

    Don’t worry, we will have more battles to fight; the corporate monster has got a huge start pissing in our punch bowl, wrecking our DNA and the place where we Live. They want to go global, we just have to take back the whole world. No Fear, Damn (((them)))

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