Jew Puppet Anal Kirk One Ups Mexico First Wetback Nick Fuentes

Mexico First wetback Nick Fuentes shot himself in the foot by criticizing Charlie Kirk for something he is himself guilty of.

Fuentes recently told his Groyper Army to drop the Israel questions and exclusively bring up Kirk’s past anti-Trump statements to prove that Kirk is a grifter and fraud.

Kirk one-upped Fuentes by revealing an older video of the sombrero-wearing Mexican national denouncing Donald Trump as an insufficiently conservative opportunist and unserious candidate..

It seems Fuentes got out-groyped by the ultimate jew grifter.

If Fuentes were to focus his Groyper Army’s energy on Kirk’s weakest point – his unabashed support for Jewish supremacy and Israel while morally castigating White ethno-nationalism as “evil” – he would have a lot more success.

But instead he did the opposite, imploring his Groypers to “cool it with Israel” and to only talk about demographics and Kirk’s past Trump-bashing.

Fuentes’ strategic mistake has made him look foolish.

And his tight association with subversive and criminal Israel First Jews will only lead to further mistakes, compromises and cucking down the road.

The Mexico First wetback really needs to reorient himself if he truly wants to root out corrupt Jewish influence in the conservative movement.

Until that time, we must repudiate wetback Fuentes and his Mexico First jew-loving civic nationalism.

Fuentes’ based new posse: non-white grifters and racial supremacist Jews.
Nicolas J. Fuentes is a Mexico First wetback larping as an American nationalist.

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