Let’s Tweet At Nick Fuentes About His Relationship With Jew Spy Jacob Wohl

We need to elicit a response out of Nick Fuentes for his unprincipled support of Israeli Jew spies Laura Loomer and Jacob Wohl.

One brave Twitter user has already put the question to Nick.

You can pose the same question to Fuentes HERE.

The fact is that as much as Fuentes and other prominent personalities in the alt-right act like they are the principled ones and that the cuckservative shills fear debate with them, they also hide behind their platforms to avoid tough questions from critics within the movement.

Richard Spencer, for example, won’t talk to anyone within the movement who has criticized him or challenged his opinions on things like Putin Worship, his pro-homo stance, his shilling for anti-white Democrats, etc. He only does shows with the same boot-licking sycophants like Josh Neil.

Fuentes is doing the same thing, blocking people who call out his support of Israel First shills like Laura Loomer and Jacob Wohl, while allegedly leading a crusade against Israel First grifters in the kosher conservative pro-Trump movement.

It’s richly incoherent for Fuentes to ravage Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro and others on these grounds yet not call out Wohl and Loomer on the same grounds. Fuentes has “disavowed” genuine alt-right people on the basis of them not being Christians or for being more focused on race than he is, yet he frolics around with literal Jew supremacists who unashamedly put Israel before America.

Bad optics, Nick.

And he is doing that for personal gain, believing that by maintaining cordial relations with Israeli spies Wohl and Loomer, he can get ahold of a bigger market share in the pro-Trump movement.

Fuentes needs to decide whose side he’s on: America First or Israel First.

It can’t be both.

One thought on “Let’s Tweet At Nick Fuentes About His Relationship With Jew Spy Jacob Wohl

  1. If I could access Twitter without giving a phone number (which I think is a step in banning me permanently) I’d assuredly be there, putting the screws to NF. I can’t imagine how you or anyone closely associated (unless he never divulges his actual views–and certainly not with the acerbity with which you express yours) has a Twitter account….

    That’s what I get for replying to a UNICEF Africa-aid post with “Send them several shiploads of condoms, but if they don’t use them DON’T send food (!). Unless they make serious efforts to control their numbers, feeding them only makes the problem ever greater–as well as increases the danger of Europe’s being swamped by the overflow.”

    As for YT, I’m banned there completely.

    I had been planning to be at the counterfeit-patriotic TPUSA thing tonight, but was given to understand that Q & A was being prudently suppressed…. Had I gone, and Q & A happened, you could bet your bottom maravedi that Israel-first bullshit would have been brought up, at least by yours truly. As it is, I’m confident that the Groypers can manage the heckling, shouting-out part well enough without me.

    Is NF in Facebook? I can reach him there if he is.

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