Red-Pilled Student Shocks Classmates With Presentation on White Genocide

Dang, nigga.

This based guy named Charles Robertson just blasted the truth out without an ounce of hesitation.

Fantastic presentation.

He even preemptively swatted the leftist smears of “Neon-Nazi” and “White supremist”.

Nobody can argue with these facts, which is why no leftist will debate an Alt-Rightist or White Identitarian on these issues.

We win the debate with the facts and logic every time, which is why the Jew-owned globalist left relies entirely on censorship and smears to shut us down.

The Goyim Know.

Follow this guy on Twitter here.

2 thoughts on “Red-Pilled Student Shocks Classmates With Presentation on White Genocide

  1. Smart fellow, but he seems to buy the impossible idea of infinite growth. The planet is finite and its resources are finite and cannot sustain infinite human growth.

    What East Asian and European countries are doing in having lower birth rates needs to be done by the whole planet. OF COURSE there will be downsides, but there are downsides in everything. The drawbacks of continual growth are much more severe than economic hardships and inability to pay for pensions–BOTH OF WHICH, by the way, may in fact be beneficial in making us Euros lean and mean again. In point of fact, the inherited wealth and privilege consequent to the Global European Hegemony created in the Age of Discovery and Colonialism have contributed to DEBILITATE us, just as similar factors debilitated the Romans.

    Notwithstanding idiots like Greta, there IS such a thing as ecology. And the obscenely huge human population, disproportionate to other species, is ALREADY putting great strain on the habitat. Much or most of what the U.N. disseminates is bullshit, but its recent report according to which a million species are nearing extinction is most credible.

    My country of Italy, with 116,000 square miles, has a pop of 61 million. Japan, with an area of 146,000 sq. miles, has 127,000,000. To give an idea of how populated that is, consider that California occupies 164,000 sq. miles, has a pop of 39 million and was considered crowded when it had half of that. It’s CRAZY to want Italy’s and Japan’s numbers to increase–there won’t be any wildlands left, and they are needed….other, nonhuman species are needed….

    If this fellow stands for STABLE populations, well, that’s better, even though the present numbers are straining the planet. IF continual, indeed endless growth is what’s needed to stave off a collapse of our systems, WE HAVE THE WRONG SYSTEMS; and in any case all we do is delay the collapse, as infinite growth is an impossibility–our numbers MUST stop growing at some point, like those of any other species.

    P.S. The burgeoning black numbers are NOT making blacks stronger…. on the contrary.

  2. But YES, the Zionists and Talmudists and Cultural-Marxist Jews–in short, the Jews who insist on being our foes–don’t have a leg to stand on! Their goals have NOTHING to do with objective truth, nothing with facts; and that is indeed why instead of trying to refute us they must try to silence us through censorship and social/legal persecution.

    I and many other indigenous Europeans embody a wholly different ethos. I’m not afraid to controvert anyone, because

    1) I’m confident as regards my knowledge and ability to argue (and I don’t argue concerning subjects about which I’m aware I know little);

    2) I have no appetite for falsehood but very much for UNDERSTANDING–and whether I prevail in argument or not, something is to be gained….IF I can’t refute an adversary, it may be because I AM MISTAKEN, and anyone who shows me that what I’ve taken for verity is actually fallacy does me a favor and I should learn from him….

    This kind of ethos goes way back to Classical, Pagan, Indo-European wellsprings of our civilization. The Hebrew is by and large a stranger to it. That’s why Christianity, which was a “gift” from Hebrews, put such a headlock on the intellect; and it wasn’t until a revolt against the “gift” in favor of a rebirth of the perspectives of Classical Hellas and Rome–a revolt called the RENAISSANCE–that European civilization became great again.

    In MEIN KAMPF, Hitler makes a good point in maintaining that it’s been the Indo-Europeans who have been capable of “idealism” whereas Jews by and large have not been. Intellectual integrity is a great ideal, than which none is greater.

    The refusal of Jews to take us on polemically–while obstinately clinging to a mindset–is symptomatic of a culture which historically has been making its way through trickery and swindles.

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