Shifty Jews Behind Trump Impeachment Hearings

Who could’ve predicted that a gaggle of shifty jews would be behind the Trump impeachment farce?

The Jewish News:

The first public hearings in the Trump impeachment inquiry began this week with quite a splash.

A bunch of Jewish actors are at play in this drama, and we’ve covered some before:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskywho is caught in the middle of it all.

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.the Californian Democrat who is running the hearings.

And Lev Parnas and Igor Frumanthe associates of Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s lawyer, who are alleged to be instrumental in pressuring Zelensky to give in to Trump and provide damaging information on his political rivals.

In the hearings Wednesday, and in their aftermath, there were some new and familiar Jewish wrinkles. Here are a few:

Democrats handed the first 45 minutes of questioning to Daniel Goldman, and his restrained sarcasm immediately drew attention. “I want to spend a little time reading the transcript, as we’ve been encouraged to do,” he said. Trump has urged Twitter followers to “read the transcript” at least a dozen times. (Of course, Goldman proceeded to read parts of the transcript that backed the Democrats’ charges.)

Goldman is a former U.S. attorney who earned a reputation for busting mobsters and became a “TV lawyer” on NBC. (Watch him confess to popping the question to his wife with a ring inside a fortune cookie.) He’s also descended from Levi Strauss stock.

Among the six House committee chairmen assigned a role in the impeachment hearings, three are Jewish: Schiff, who chairs Intelligence, and two New York reps, Jerry Nadler (Judiciary) and Eliot Engel (Foreign Affairs).

Soros, the liberal Jewish philanthropist who has become a bugbear for Trump and the Republicans, did not surface in the hearing — but he did in its prequel and aftermath.

Soros had come up in closed testimony last month when Fiona Hill, a former top National Security Council staffer, alleged that Trump fired Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch because of a smear campaign orchestrated by Giuliani depicting Yovanovitch as in Soros’ pocket — a narrative Hill called “frankly anti-Semitic.”

Two Jewish witnesses are on the docket for next Wednesday, each with firsthand testimony.

Gordon Sondland, a Portland hotelier whose parents fled Nazi Europe, is a longtime Republican donor who disavowed Trump during the 2016 campaign when Trump disparaged the Muslim parents of a slain soldier. But after Trump was elected, Sondland funneled $1 million into Trump’s inauguration and earned a role as ambassador to the European Union. Sondland took a lead role in Trump’s pressure campaign on Ukraine, an unusual involvement for an EU ambassador. One of Wednesday’s witnesses, William Taylor, dropped a bombshell at the hearing: Sondland told a Taylor aide that Trump cared more about damaging Joe Biden than about helping Ukraine. Expect Sondland to be grilled about the conversation.

Alexander Vindman is the senior NSC staffer who listened in on the Trump-Zelensky call and raised alarms afterward. He has been smeared as having dual loyalties to Ukraine.

Doesn’t this obliterate the idea that kissing up to the jew race will get them off your back?

The fact is that Trump is a nationalist and has pursued isolationist policies that contradict globalism. That he gives jews and Israel rhetorical and diplomatic hand jobs is not enough to stave them off. They only become more emboldened to undermine their goyim target .

Only the brute unyielding strength of a fearless übermensch can deal with these rebellious miscreants.

No more excuses.

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