Swedish Cuck Police Have Pizza Party With Non-White Criminal Gang Leaders

Only in Cucked Sweden could this be possible, right?


Sweden, the humanitarian superpower, is ridiculed, after ultra-liberal approach to fighting ongoing drug gang wars sees them invite violent criminals to meet with police, relatives of victims and prosecutors over pizza.

Malmö has a serious crime problem. With a population of around 316,000, Sweden’s third largest city suffers all the afflictions of a modern urban society, with a large population of immigrants, gangs and drug trafficking.

A 15-year-old boy was shot dead in the city and another was critically wounded at the weekend, just minutes after a bomb was detonated underneath a car in another Malmö district, destroying the vehicle and damaging others, in what police believe was a diversion from the killing, part of an ongoing, drug-related gang war.

Needless to say, no-one has been arrested.

Shocked by the crimes and recent shootings of Swedish nationals in their own country, Denmark, just across the water, has temporarily reinstated border controls with Sweden, in a bid to prevent the import of any violent criminal behavior, as the feuds continue.

Last year, more than 300 shootings resulted in 45 deaths and 135 injuries in Sweden.

A survey by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, published earlier this year, revealed that residents of Malmö were more affected by crime than those of any other area in the country. Some 29 percent of the people living in the city reported to have been victims of crimes against an individual. One of the districts of Malmo was also revealed to be the worst in Sweden for burglary.

So what have Malmo police done in turn to address this alarming escalation in violence between warring drug gangs?

They invited a dozen gang leaders – nine turned up – along for a sit-down chat with police, relatives of crime victims and legal prosecutors.

And there was pizza.

Again, needless to say, no-one was arrested.

Dubbed “Operation Snowflake” by one wag on social media, the Malmö Chief of Police Stefan Sentéus declared the “call-in” exercise a success to Expressen newspaper, claiming the message they were trying to convey to the violent criminals they invited had hit its target.

“It was really appreciated,” said the chief, who admitted there have been 28 further explosions in Malmö in 2019.

For the country that considers itself a humanitarian superpower, this latest descent into “Absurdistan” is the result of a nation that finds it hard to be frank about what is really going on, after Sweden’s immigration surge in 2015 which saw 163,000 asylum seekers arrive in the country of 10 million inhabitants.

Yes, reward bloodthirsty criminal thugs with a pizza party in the hopes of mitigating their bloodthirsty criminal behaviour.

Genius plan.

Swedish police are really going the extra mile to bring an end to the criminal insurgency plaguing their streets, aren’t they?

But this crime epidemic has nothing to do with the importation of hundreds of thousands of unassimilable primates from the third world, right?

No, it would be racist and offensive to say that, filthy goyim.

One thought on “Swedish Cuck Police Have Pizza Party With Non-White Criminal Gang Leaders

  1. I can pretty much promise that if the criminals were Swedes, they would not be nearly as
    nicely treated as these fucking gimmegrants are treated. Instead of pizza, would probably
    get bread and water if the cops were to decide. It’s disgusting how the cops are busy
    sucking muslim cock while trying to disarm the native Swedes, they deserve to hang together
    with the rest of our traitor government.

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