White-Hating Leftists Got Ahold of Droopy-Eyed Jew Stephen Miller’s Emails

Stephen Miller is some kind of semi-based right-wing Jew who has good instincts about immigration.

But being a tribe member, this can only take him so far.

It’s Going Down:

On Tuesday, Michael Hayden on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch blog, dropped a bombshell that exposed further connections between White House policy advisor, Stephen Miller, and white nationalism. Miller, 34, grew from a far-Right activist at Duke University alongside white nationalist leader Richard Spencer, to working under Michele Bachmann and then Jeff Sessions through connections with David Horowtiz, and eventually went all the way to the White House as Trump’s key advisor alongside other reactionary figures such as Breitbart’s Steve Bannon. Miller’s policies, influenced by white nationalist websites and Nativist think-tanks, have gone on to shape the lives of millions of working and poor people – and not for the better.

The SPLC report itself is a treasure trove of leaked email correspondence between Miller and former Breitbart writer Katie McHugh, between 2015 and 2016. McHugh, who herself is a former white nationalist and was fired from Breitbart for racist online comments, was profiled in a May expose by Buzzfeed. The SPLC article features an overview of some 900 emails, which highlight Miller’s ideological propensity towards white nationalist websites such as V-Dare and American Renaissance, and books, like The Camp of the Saints, as well as far-Right conspiracy theory platforms. like InfoWars.

That article goes through some of Miller’s history during college and leading up to his ascent to the Trump administration.

Miller has been a more principled opponent of mass immigration within the conservative movement for awhile, it seems, going back to his college days.

But he was a big promoter of neocon Jew David Horowitz. Really, the true motivation for some of these right-wing Jews to oppose mass immigration is preventing “anti-Semitic” Muslims from spoiling Jewish hegemony in the West.

These right-wing Zionist Jews know that if the demographic balance tips in favour of Muslims in Western countries, then these Muslims will begin dismantling the Jewish power matrix and installing their own Islamic power matrix to support other Muslims like the Palestinians.

So, truly, the motivation of these Zionist Jews to oppose this influx is the self-preservation of their race and their race’s grip on White societies.

They don’t care about us, folks, and go to great lengths to denounce us as “anti-Semites” while grifting some of our talking points to serve their Jewish tribal interests.

Miller is a mediocre immigration reformist. But more importantly he’s a Racial Jew who will do what he believes necessary to prevent a true White uprising against our supremacist Jewish overlords.

Jews have positioned themselves to control all angles of dissent against their system. Miller is a cog in that Jewish machine of controlled opposition.

Never trust a Jew!

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