Whore of Babylon Ariana Grande Lends Support to White-Hating Jewish Criminal Conspirator Bernie Sanders

It won’t come as a shock to many to learn that Ariana Grande, one of the most evil harlots alive today, is supporting the Jewish criminal conspirator Bernie Sanders for president.

Well, since Grande was groomed by Music Industry Jews to sell harlotry and satan worship to young girls, it only makes sense that she return the favour by putting her satanic star power behind the Jew bastard Bernie Sanders whose only 2020 policy proposal is expediting the process of genocide of all white Americans.

Sanders has openly declared war on white people, lampooning whites as “privileged” oppressors of angelic brown and black victims, even though it’s actually his jewish race that is simultaneously privileged and oppressing everyone else in the country.

Sanders works on behalf of his race to systematically wipe out his race’s primary competition; that being white people.

With white people gone, the jewish race can more easily dominate over the borderline retarded races of the world who are too stupid to realize what’s happening.

A new TMZ video shows the devil-worshipping slut Grande licking donuts and then saying she “hates America and Americans”.

Yes, of course the cocksucking tramp hates America and Americans, which is why she wants a genocidal Bolshevik Jew running the show.

4 thoughts on “Whore of Babylon Ariana Grande Lends Support to White-Hating Jewish Criminal Conspirator Bernie Sanders

  1. Them negroes love their slavery; Welcome Aboard to the sinking ship USSA Inc.

    Just how much is a cargo container to ship my belongings to Crimea? When I went to Russia, the problem was not the entrance into the Russian Federation, it was a visa from our state department letting me back in after I saw what a crappy place it really was over there, LOL. A lot of pretty lesbians, a few nice other people and 90% White but never saw one boon. They were curious if they think you are a tourist so that became burdensome. Would it change when you moved there to stay and you are as broke as dirt, like I am, probably. Being a negro would certainly warrant a dirt nap.

    Looks like we will Have to stay and fight rather than switch. Keep your powder dry.

  2. Can someone tell me WHY the leftist media NEVER pushed the story of this bitch wiping her ass with our country`s flag?? Or need I ask??

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