Australian Patriot Fined $2000 for Criticizing Moslems

Australian patriot Blair Cotrell was just fined $2000 for criticizing moslems.

The Guardian:

Far-right extremist Blair Cottrell has lost his appeal against a conviction for religious vilification, with a judge finding a 2017 stunt in which he beheaded a dummy to protest against a proposed mosque in Victoria was “calculated to promote rank and demeaning stereotyping of Muslims”.

On Thursday the chief judge of the Victorian county court, Peter Kidd, dismissed the former United Patriots Front leader’s appeal against the conviction, saying he did not believe that Cottrell had not intended to incite hatred, contempt and ridicule of Muslims with the stunt.

“I reject completely the many explanations advanced by the appellant that this was not directed to engendering extreme feelings about Muslims in general,” Kidd said in his judgment.

“His explanations smack of a manufactured post facto rationalisation and are lacking in credibility. I do not believe the appellant.”

Kidd said Cottrell’s argument that the stunt was “intended to be humorous” was “lacking in all credibility” and was “patently disingenuous”.

“I have concluded, beyond reasonable doubt, that it was the appellant’s intention to incite these extreme feelings against Muslims because of their religious beliefs,” Kidd found.

“That is, that the appellant intended that the strong feelings be stirred up in his target audience, towards Muslims, because of the religious beliefs of Muslims.”

So it is illegal in Australia to mock moslems. Is Australia governed by a democracy or Sharia law?

This means that any comedian who pokes fun at moslems can also be fined.

This means that any time these invader moslems feel their sensibilities have been breached, they can file a complaint with the police and have the infidels charged.

This means that Australia isn’t free, it is a Gulag run by a far-left establishment that aims to mandate multiculturalism as a state ideology and punish citizens who protest this abomination and attack on white people.

Cotrell made this statement on Telegram:

Huge thanks to everyone who stood with me to fight the charge, many of the people at court today were the same people who were there beside me three years ago when I was first charged, very selfless and loyal folks. 

I promised I would take this matter to a higher court and fight it as far as I was able to. That’s what I’ve done and now, after fully understanding the way the law is written and it’s intended purpose, it’s clear that it is a law specifically designed to be used against people like me and there really is no good defence against it when you’re white or Christian. 

It was made abundantly clear in the state prosecutor’s submissions against me that it is technically illegal to oppose multiculturalism in Australia.

It is also technically illegal to criticise a specific ethnic or religious group in Australia, wherever the state chooses to make it illegal.

I never knew that and I know that the majority of working Australians don’t know it either. Those laws are not an expression of our will but of the will of political bureaucrats and subversives with special interests. This probably explains the reason for why the mainstream media presence at my court appearances was so big, yet no reports on the actual details of the trial were published by any of them. Their intent I think was to keep Aussies in the dark about the true purpose and application process of these speech laws enforcing “multicultural paradise”. 

It should be made known that the trial was originally scheduled to begin in August of 2019, however the courts notified my lawyer that the trial had been postponed indefinitely. The courts ignored my lawyer’s request for a reason for the delay.

More than two months later we were given a new trial date, our original judge hearing the case was moved to another court and a completely new judge and a new prosecutor were appointed. The new judge was Peter Kid, the Chief Judge of the County Court (a position you don’t get without kissing a few political asses) and the new prosecutor had personally requested to champion the state’s charge against me.

I was not permitted to request an explanation for these delays and the the sudden changing around of judges and prosecutors. Ill let the reader interpret it as they see fit. 

Despite being permanently censored from every major social media platform, losing my paypal and even my personal bank account leading up to the trial, I’m glad I stood up to these careerist state legal bureaucrats. It was six state-funded lawyers including the Attorney General’s office against my lawyer and barrister Mr. John Bolton. The amount of resources they had to use to prove my guilt was absurd but it was a precedent case for “hate-speech” in Australia, meaning they had to do everything in their power to make sure they got the conviction. 

This essentially changes nothing for me personally, it has only taught me that the next time I am formally charged with a “hate-speech” related offence there really isn’t any appropriate place for that charge sheet other than the bin. I won’t be answering a charge like this again and if that means an arrest warrant must be made against me then catch me if you can, because I won’t be going to court again of my own free will to answer to such a ridiculous charge, for which there is no true defence for a man of my race.

Speech must be made free and we must be free to criticise groups, ideas and policies regardless of how “offended” anybody claims to feel as a result. Only liars and proponents of false and hostile ideologies disagree with the free-speech principle, to protect their own lies and hide their true intentions.

Like Canada and other European states, the government of Australia has enshrined multiculturalism into law and made it illegal to question this policy.

This is tyranny in no uncertain terms.

The bureaucrats of the state have decided based on a highly dubious rationale that “multiculturalism” is good for Australia, and subsequently deemed any contradiction of this dogma a crime against the state.

As Cotrell noted, these laws are only selectively applied to white nationalists, never to the privileged minorities who openly incite against white people in the universities and media. If you’re a brown Paki shithead, you can march around heaping contempt on infidels, and nothing will happen to you. If you’re a black person, you can advocate for the genocide of the white race, and nothing will happen to you.

This proves that all of these laws against hate speech are exclusively designed to suppress the speech of white people who don’t submit to the globalist agenda of white genocide.

Here’s a video of Cotrell obliterating a gaggle of SJWs and moslems.

One thought on “Australian Patriot Fined $2000 for Criticizing Moslems

  1. One point in favor of Nayuka: she is the original Australian, the actual Australian. Her land was taken by the white man. As a true racial realist who believes that native people should own their own and original land, I can only support her and her people.
    White people is the aboriginal of Europe.

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