Beastly Satanic Scottish Trannies To “Allow” 5-Year-Old Child to Begin Gender Transition

No, these satanic trannies have brainwashed this abused child and convinced him that he’s a girl by the specific placement of girl stuff in his vicinity.

I bet they filled his closet with girl’s clothing and his play room with barbie dolls.

That’s how transgenderism works. It’s nothing more than the imposed ideology of sick and twisted kooks like these people.

Summit News:

Britain’s first transgender couple have stoked controversy by revealing that they will allow their 5-year-old child to also begin gender transition.

Jody, 21, and Greg Rogers, 27, from Glasgow in Scotland went public with the announcement that their son Jayden has begun transitioning into a girl.

The couple claimed that they were subjected to abuse since making the announcement and that they had also been reported to social services.

The couple denied claims they had encouraged the transition, with Greg Rogers telling the Daily Record, “We’ve had people saying we’re using Jayden for attention and that she just wants to be a girl because I changed sex…It’s ridiculous. Jayden knows nothing about my past. She just knows me as dad.”

According to the couple, Jayden is adamant he is a girl and loves dressing up as Princess Anna from the Disney film Frozen.

“They say it’s cruel we let her wear a dress but is it not more cruel to do nothing when you’ve got a kid who’s so adamant she’s a girl she’s ripping her hair off and banging her head off the walls?” said Rogers.

What’s the original gender of these freaks? I guess the “man” looking thing was originally a woman and the “woman” looking thing was originally a man.

So these are heterosexual transgenders?

Weird how that works, eh.

Trannies are severally mentally ill psychopaths who are trying to infect the world with their sickness.

And our jew-owned society is aiding and abetting these miscreants as one of many

2 thoughts on “Beastly Satanic Scottish Trannies To “Allow” 5-Year-Old Child to Begin Gender Transition

  1. This is nothing but child abuse(Munchausen syndrome by proxy) by 2 very sick and mentally unstable people!!!
    Can I have a cigarette? No, you’re only 5
    Can I have a beer? No, You’re only 5
    Can I drive the car? No, you’re only 5
    Can I take hormones and change my sex? Sure, why not! You know best!

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