Dumb Moslems Debate Jared Taylor – Get Wrecked

Two dumb moslems attempted to debate Jared Taylor about the negative impact of moslem culture in the West – and got completely wrecked!

These two moslems were complete dolts and couldn’t answer for any of the things that Jared brought up about moslem malfeasance in the West.

The fat one just became infuriated and lobbed stereotypical leftist insults at Taylor then rage quit.

The other stuck around to make a fool of himself.

The incompetent haji couldn’t refute the point that moslems are dozens of times more likely to commit terrorism than all other groups combined, yet are only like 1-2% of the US population. Obviously the higher proportion of moslems in a given territory, the higher the number of terrorist incidents. It’s irrefutable common sense. So why would we want to import specifically moslems to our countries when we can import other white people who aren’t likely to murder us in terrorist attacks?

Essentially the moslem’s best argument was that we should welcome the moslem takeover of the West because Islam prevents people from consuming alcohol and drugs as well as premarital sex.

So his selling point for why we should allow swarms of low-IQ Arabs and Blacks into our countries is to prevent alcoholism and drug addiction, essentially. Islamic influence may prevent those things but it will bring with it worse things, like perpetual terrorist violence, grooming gangs, campaigns to ban pork and allocate public space for moslem prayer rituals, among other nonsense.

We can obviously implement policies to discourage those destructive practices without having some 80-IQ hajis take over our societies, implement sand culture and breed white people out of existence.

The moslem also brought up the issue of white nationalist terrorism. The difference is that whites are majority of the population in white countries, but account for less instances of terrorism than a group – moslems – who are less than 5% of the population in most Western countries. This means that moslems are manifold more likely to commit terrorism than whites. Moreover, white nationalist terrorists have carried out their acts in response to an immigrant invasion that is displacing and erasing their people. Their actions were done as a response to an unjust imposition that aims to destroy Western societies, whereas moslem terror is committed as an offensive campaign to strike terror and fear into the hearts of infidels. These moslems are graciously accepted as immigrants in white countries and repay their hosts by attacking them.

These moslems are very subversive. I remember I debated white moslem fanatic Kevin Barrett about this and he basically admitted that he wants Islam to conquer the West and the entire world, but then has the nerve to sully white nationalists as “racist supremacists” for wanting to live amongst our own people.

Moslems are cultural colonialists who aim to infiltrate, subvert and seize control of the kaffir countries. That is why they should be kept away from us.

4 thoughts on “Dumb Moslems Debate Jared Taylor – Get Wrecked

  1. I have read the Koran careefully and it call for the slaughter of the “people of the Book” (Jews and Christians) in many suras, In other suras it says that “we have to respect the People of the Book”.
    Basically, the Koran is a very boring, repetitive, full of contradictions book. It has two faces.
    The Moslem is playing the “cicilzed Moslem” card.
    Many people say: “There are a lot of salughterings in the Bible too”.
    Hold on: the salughterings in the Bible are:

    First: In the Old Testamente which not our book, is the book of the Jew.
    Second: Not against Moslems but against non existent today tribes in the Near East.
    Third: The Bible is OUR fucking Holy Book. OUR!!!!! We don´t need a foreign one (and much new).
    Fourth: this civilized Moslem shoud know (of course he knows) that the Crusade in Europe and America against the islam is inevitable. And Jesus Christ will defeat them AGAIN:

    We know haow to take care of the Moslem in Spain and in Romania.
    Santiago y cierra España!!!!!!!!!!
    Viva Vlad Tepes the Impaler!!!!!!

    Send them to Hell!!!!!!!!!!

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