Fat Evil Bastard Michael Moore Says White Males Are Bad & Dangerous, Admits He’s a Race Traitor

Dangerous white men are on the prowl hunting for non-white victims, according to obese anti-white slob Michael Moore, that irrelevant documentarian who gets paid by Democrats to shill for them.

According to this demented shill for the anti-white Democrats, any white male who voted for Trump is a dangerous person who should be avoided.

This is obviously a hubristic projection of what is actually true about black people, who overwhelmingly vote Democrat.

Black people are far more likely to commit violent crime than white people, so it is they who you should fear on the streets.

National Review:

Lest you think this book is not about black crime, Abt states quite explicitly that “race matters when it comes to urban violence.” He points out that homicide-victimization rates for black men were 3.9 times the national average and that 52 percent of all known homicide victims were black (2017 data). He might have added that the perpetrators of these crimes were overwhelmingly African Americans. In 2018, where the homicide victim was black, the suspected killer also was 88 percent of the time. And this is not an exceptional situation. From 1976 to 2005, 94 percent of black victims were killed by other African Americans. In fact, as I will demonstrate, high rates of black-on-black killing have been the norm for well over a century. But this is not an issue Abt wants to address.

But Moore won’t tell you any of this because he’s being paid by Jews to lay the groundwork for a white genocide in America.

Summit News:

This is by no means the first time that the rotund film maker has collectively demonized an entire group of people based on their skin color.

Last year, he called on “angry white American guys” to “give it up” because they are demographically doomed.

Back in January 2018, he asserted that America needed to be “cleansed” of its white privilege.

He also previously celebrated the fact that that white men are “dying out” because America “will be a better country.”

Remember back in the 90’s, when Moore used to stick up for the interests of white working class people?

Now he’s part of the Democratic elite, he denigrates and insults them every chance he gets.

Here’s another Democrat who joked about white male suicide, saying it was a great thing.

When asked about it by media he doubled down, saying, “the point of the joke is that it won’t be long, and that this won’t be a majority white nation, and I think that’s a good thing.”

This is where we’re at with these psychotic leftists. They are openly gloating in our demise and the genocide of our race.

With these evil people dominating Democratic politics in America, a civil war is inevitable.

One thought on “Fat Evil Bastard Michael Moore Says White Males Are Bad & Dangerous, Admits He’s a Race Traitor

  1. Sooooo, fat, porcine scumbag Moore is buying into that ‘white privilege ‘ bullshit. Since everybody on the left is telling me that I have white privilege just because I`m white (in reality, I never had any) I might as well take advantage of it, and start using it!

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