Feminist Murders Three Male Children So They ‘Wouldn’t Grow Up to Abuse Women’

This is the absolute state of satanic feminism, folks. Murdering male children so they don’t abuse femoids in the future.

Too Fab:

An Ohio mother has been sentenced to life in prison for murdering her young sons.

Brittany Pilkington, 27, pleaded guilty to killing four-year-old Gavin, three-month-old Niall and three-month-old Noah between July 2014 and August 2015.

During police interviews, she said she feared the brothers would grow up to abuse women, as she had been.

She also said she was depressed, and admitted she was jealous of the attention her husband paid to them, but not her or their now-eight-year-old daughter Hailey.

47-year-old Joseph Pilkington, also pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of sexual imposition, for having sex with Brittany when she was underage.

He had been her mother’s long-time live-in boyfriend, and had raised Brittany as her step-father. He then impregnated her in 2009, when she was 17. They eventually married.

Each time Brittany killed a child, she waited for her husband to come home from work to find him.

Every time she smothered them, she covered their face with a blanket so she wouldn’t have to look at them, she confessed.

Niall was the first to die, in July 2014. His death was first ruled unexplained.

So she murdered her kids because her husband, who used to be her step-father, wasn’t giving her enough attention and because she’s a feminist who hates men.

So she hates men but wants attention from men.

She killed her children to get the attention of a man and so that these future men wouldn’t abuse demented little sluts like her.

We’re living in Clown World, folks!

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