Hebrew Harlot Gal Gadot Demands Men & Boys Undergo Mass Feminist Brainwashing

The Hebrew villain Gal Gadot has told an interviewer that she wants to see all men and boys undergo intensive brainwashing so that they accept a matriarchal system of female satanic domination.

The Geek Buzz:

“Yeah, that, too, for sure.” Gadot replies. She then states her feelings on why the feminism Wonder Woman projects is not only important for girls, but that boys and men also need to learn why female empowerment is important. “It goes both ways, we can’t just empower women, only by focusing on women, we also need to educate the boys and the men so a young boy that goes to see this in the cinema, this amazing woman that does those amazing things, that he can believe a woman can do that, you know what I mean? So it goes both ways.”

This actually mirrors earlier comments from Gadot on the topic of feminism. In an interview for Glamour Magazine, she stated, “People always ask me, ‘Are you a feminist?’ And I find the question surprising, because I think, ‘Yes, of course. Every woman, every man, everyone should be a feminist. Because whoever is not a feminist is a sexist.”

Why would men and boys need to learn about the importance of “female empowerment”? It’s such a puerile statement. That’s like saying that lions need to learn about gazelle empowerment. This is just goofy shit that dingbat females say without thinking it through. Women are below men for a reason: they are weaker and less intelligent. Nature intended it to be so, and screwing with mother nature doesn’t usually end well.

Gal Gadot is an Israeli Jewish female. She owes every ounce of her superficial “success” to her race. If Gadot wasn’t Jewish and Israeli, she would have never been cast as “Wonderwoman”. All of the praise given to that horrid film came from beguiling Jewish movie critics who wrote fake positive reviews exclusively to elevate a feminist agenda, which intersects crucially with the globalist Jewish agenda of white genocide.

As a Jew, it has been hardwired into Gadot’s DNA to search and destroy white culture and civilization. Like all Jews, Gadot’s genes compel her sick mind to viscerally attack all things white and Christian, all things Western and good.

4 thoughts on “Hebrew Harlot Gal Gadot Demands Men & Boys Undergo Mass Feminist Brainwashing

  1. She isn`t a real superhero. She just played one in a movie.OK Gal, you`re done. Go fetch me my slippers and make me a sandwich. NOW

  2. Non-feminist=sexist? LOL, we are again reminded as to why there’s never been a great female philosopher–or any more than a handful of ANY cuntie philosophers. That poor woman is so simpleminded that one is almost moved to compassion.

    The positively most virulent sexism is that which FEMINISTS harbor and demonstrate toward males. And the only people whom feminists feminize are males weak and stupid enough to be induced to become effeminate for “morality’s” (altruism) sake. As for women, feminists prevail upon THEM to imitate males as much as they can–with the almost invariable result that women become like third-class men.

    Non-feminist=sexist? Then I’m sexist to the 10th power.

    Poor cuntie. Lucky for her she has a classically beautiful face, at least in the above photo. Gad, shades of Minerva and Diana.

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