Horseface Femdyke Boasts of Polyamorous Relationship With Four Soy Sucking Degenerates

Is this the shocking new normal in the West?

Here we have four totally beta soy boys fighting for the attention of the same obese horse.

Daily Mail:

A polyamorous woman has fallen pregnant by one of her four partners after they went away together – but says they will raise the baby as a ‘family’.

Tory Ojeda, 20, from Jacksonville, Florida, met one of her partners Marc, 18, in high school and then started a relationship with Travis, 23, two months later. 

Their love story began three years ago and she has since announced her engagement to Travis in July.

She also found love with their long-term mutual friends Ethan, 22, and Christopher, 22. While seven months ago, Tory and Chris found out that they were pregnant with a baby girl.

Despite being in an open relationship, Tory is currently the only one who has multiple romantic partners. 

However she says that her boyfriends are ‘welcome’ to pursue other people if they wish to – she even encourages the idea. Tory said: ‘Honestly, I would love it if somebody found a second partner.

‘Dividing time and figuring out schedules between all five people and making sure everyone feels included, it’s kind of difficult.

‘I’d like to not be the only woman in the relationship. That would definitely be nice.’

This is the ultimate form of cuckoldry.

These four “men” are so effeminate, low testosterone, and physically weak and undesirable that they’ve all settled on sharing some obese horseface dyke.

I mean, Jesus Christ, what the hell is wrong with these freaks?

This is the polar opposite of what polygamy was meant to be with a man having multiple wives. Our society has become so debauched and corrupted by leftist ideas that we’ve totally reversed this tradition to suit the interests and needs of obese dykes who want a gaggle of imbeciles vying for their attention and affection.

These guys are caricatures of basement dwelling incels addicted to videogames and porn:

This is so comical.

It’s almost like these estrogen-filled nerds are trying to fulfill the stereotype of a repulsive loser.

It’s very obvious that soy, estrogen and other chemicals and hormones that get into our food and water supply are wreaking havoc on our society, turning men into decrepit and feeble worms and women into raunchy dykes.

God help us.

5 thoughts on “Horseface Femdyke Boasts of Polyamorous Relationship With Four Soy Sucking Degenerates

  1. Bloody hell! They should not breed. Period.
    Something against vasectomy or tubal ligation?

    Personally I have nothing against BBWs. But they have to be “Beautiful”. For instance:

    And I have nothing about promiscuous women since I visit hookers so much, but, hell! raising other men´s child as your own is extremely “pringado” (sucker).

    Civilization is going to the cliff. We need eugenics policy urgently.

    1. I commented at 3:00 pm on Monday, December 9, 2019. I hope my comment appears later on this site. I never ever heard of VivaLa. She joined YouTube when I was 17 on Thursday, May 5, 2011. That YouTube channel is a Tuarus from a Year of the Bull.

      It said that I commented at 8:00 pm on Monday, December 9, 2019. That’s 18,000 seconds or 300 minutes or 5 hours or 0.6% [or six hundredths percent] of 2019 or 20.83% [or twenty and eighty-three hundredths percent] of a 24-hour day. I used a date-to-date calculator on Time and Date AS or I never ever has Central Standard Time or Eastern Standard Time, and that’s the correct time since I’m a single non-European or non-white virgin in Florida or New Tampa.

      I’m glad I lost my cellphone three days ago because now I can’t watch porn on Pornhub or YouTube. A first definition of porn in is ” pornography; sexually explicit videos, photographs, writings, or the like, produced to elicit sexual arousal (often used attributively).” Obviously, things on YouTube are not going to be as sexually explicit as things on Pornhub. I watched a lot of interracial porn, and Nat Turnher. Anyone can read a biography and view two photos about him on IMDb. He’s a 44-year-old black man, and a Sagittarius from a Year of the Rabbit. He’s 18 years older than I am.

      Abbey Rain is 24, and a Gemini from a Year of the Pig. Abbey Rain and Nat Turher smash in one of my favorite Pornhub videos. Anyone can read a biography and view one photo of her on IMDb. She’s 2 years younger than I am. I’m being totally honest in this comment. Like I said before, I want to sop masturbating forever, at least to porn. Stop visiting hookers, Trajano.

      I wonder what your thoughts are on marriage. I don’t see it as important or as a necessity. I value blonde or Aryan children infinitely more than a girlfriend or spouse, and I want what’s best for them so I may have to have a two-parent household. In the future I may have a blonde girlfriend and then spouse. I have talked to a blonde woman in Moscow on Kik Interactive since October. She first sent me a message on The Satanic International Network at 8:12 am on Friday, September 27, 2019.

      I’m the most fortunate or luckiest man alive because I met her. She sent me a second message on The Satanic International Network at 10:10 pm on Friday, September 27, 2019. She eventually asked for my username on Kik Interactive on Wednesday, October 9, 2019. I sent it at 7:49 pm on Friday, September 27, 2019.

  2. This is a very, very, very good thing !! By having all the effeminate soy boys being ‘occupied’ by all the fatty’s and by all the ruling class Femdykes means much better high-quality females left for the rest of us…

  3. This has Jew hoaxery written all over it faggot Jew scripts and homo wishful thinking. Fuck no wonder most people are idiots spoon-fed this trollop since birth.

  4. I’m going to have a field day commenting on this article. This is an occasion or opportunity for unrestricted fun. A first definition of field day in is “an occasion or opportunity for unrestricted activity, amusement, etc.” Look at the bright side. She’s could have four beautiful Aryan or non-Jewish Caucasian quadruplets.

    I’m joking. That 20-year-old Tory Ojeda is in Florida or my state. A marriage or romantic relationship is one man and one woman in mainstream Christianity or Protestant Christianity. There are a lot of things that I dislike and like about mainstream Christianity or Protestant Christianity. I like sexual abstinence as I don’t think indulgence in sexual immorality is healthy for a person’s psyche or mind, soul, or spirit. A definition of psyche on Wiktionary is “The human soul, mind, or spirit.” is my favorite Christian site, and Got Questions Ministries is one of my favorite YouTube channels.

    I’m glad I lost my black Alcatel cellphone 3 days or 72 hours ago on Friday, December 6, 2019. I masturbated four times to white and Asian woman twerking on YouTube, and I came or released my semen or whitish fluid from my male reproductive glands or testes into a toilet bowl or the ceramic bowl of a toilet on the first floor of my father’s house the day before. I want to stop masturbating forever, but that’s everyone has bestial or animistic urges or strong desires. I sent an email to Wretched at 12:33 am on Monday, December 9, 2019. I’m going to copy and paste part of it here. I sent eleven parapgraphs or 1,232 words and 6,931 characters in WordCounter. I’m going to separate it by brackets.

    {This is part of my email.]

    Two YouTube videos that I mentioned above are some of my all-time favorite YouTube videos. I said this in a text message to my father at 8:46 am. I said, “Paul Joseph Watson said, “The Greek philosopher Socrates said that the male libido is like being chained to a madman. The poet Sophocles said of love, ‘To great delight I have escaped from it, and feel as if I have escaped from a frantic and savage master.’ What could be more of a burden than being shackled to an irrational beast? What could be more catastrophic to individual identity than the merging of two people?” He said that perfectly. That’s exactly what’s it like.”

    Men who don’t want a bilateral orchiectomy or castration or endlessly pursue women are also content to be chained to a madman, enslaved to a frantic and savage master, or shackled to an irrational beast. At Auburn University Richard Spencer said, ” Richard Spencer said, “I agree that the human being is an animal in the sense that we have animal urges.” That’s 17 words and 81 characters in WordCounter. Everyone has bestial or cannibalistic urges or strong desires for food and sex like most animals. A definition of urge in Cambridge Dictionary is “a strong desire or need.” Not all animals because there are some that reproduce by asexual reproduction. And there are likewise asexual people.

    [This is the end of part of my email.]

    At least she’s not dating outside of her race. “Only inferior White women date outside of their race. Be proud of your heritage, don’t be a race-mixing slut!”That’s from a Kingdom Identity Ministries sticker. That’s under black and bold letters that said “In Its Own Words.” I like to look up Kingdom Identity Ministries on SPLC. She’s wanted that BWC or Big White Cock. Better a BWC Chaser than a BBC Chaser.

    I feel like many, if not most, white women are race traitors. And a single I’m Afro-Hispanic or Afro-Latino 26-year-old man in Florida or New Tampa. I only speak English. I forgot Spanish as I used to speak it as a child. There’s something about them that makes them like black men inversely how like I like white women.

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