Jewish Racial Operative Tommy Robinson Calls White Nationalists ‘Inbreds’ & Laughs At White Replacement

The Jewish racial activist Tommy Robinson recorded a video wherein he calls white nationalists ‘inbreds’ and laughs about white population replacement, telling whites to just “go have sex” if they’re concerned about demographics.

In the same breath Robinson acknowledged that non-whites are vastly outbreeding whites in British cities. So why the hostility towards those pointing this out more stridently than this Jewish racial operative?

Robinson lost the last scintilla of credibility that he had when he released a new documentary about how moslems don’t like Jews and how we must protect these Jews from moslem immigrants.

I haven’t seen it, but I highly doubt that Robinson explains in his Jewish documentary that organized Jewry are responsible for the influx of moslem immigration and refugees to the West.

A leading British Jew academic, Dr. Diana Pinto, bluntly admitted that:

“European Jewry, remembering its own postwar refugee status, is on the forefront of welcoming the influx of largely Muslim migrants and refugees—one of the greatest wagers of the coming decade.”

This is one of many Jews who proudly boast of Jewry’s central role in flooding us with brown immigrants and refugees because they hate and seek to weaken the white race.

It does not require painstaking research to find this information. It is all abundantly available across the internet. Did Robinson miss this headline too?

Robinson is well aware of the Jewish role in promoting open borders and multiracialism in the West and he is well aware of the Jewish role in spawning wars in the Middle East that pushes these refugees towards us. But his job as a Jewish racial operative is to ignore, obscure and deflect from these facts and place singular blame on the moslem invaders whom the Jewish elites brought here. That has always been his job and he’s kept pace with this misinformation campaign for the past 10 years as a well-paid ethnic activist for the Jewish racial group.

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